Chapter 4

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My punishment was finally over. I had forgotten how horrible it was to be confined to just the house. Two times before I was denied to leave the house and every time I promised myself, never again. But this time I would never take going outside for granted. I felt so much better to be outside again than be cooped up in the house. With my privilege being given back to me, my days were much brighter, especially because I knew when my brother would return home, which was soon.

In a week, the party took place, of which I still had not figured out what its occasion was. It frustrated me greatly. Never had father hosted a party at our home. The only people who visited our home were Xavier, Mr. Wright, and all the workers at our home. Therefore it was also exciting that finally, other people were going to visit us. I had hoped that I might even make a friend. 

I made my way to the kitchen after my afternoon walk outside. Mary was eating a sandwich, which meant she was on her break. "Hello, Mary." I chirped.

"Hello dear, how are you doing?" She asked with a smile.

"Really good, in a week Xavier is visiting again. Again! Maybe he will have some time to listen to the last piece I have learned on the piano." I mused.

"That sounds lovely Ava. He will for sure love it."

"How do you know?" I asked confused. 

"Well, I like hearing you play, so he will for sure like it as well. Anyone who would not like that is an idiot." I giggled.

"Mary you can't say that, that is not nice," I said between my giggles.

Mary sighed. "You are so pure my child, I hope you stay that way. The world is way too cruel for you."

A frown appeared on my forehead. The outside world couldn't be that cruel, I thought. Xavier, father, and Mary lived in it and they were kindhearted. And from what I knew people who didn't live according to the rules and law would be prosecuted and punished. 

I shook my head, Mary's words were confusing me too much.

"So, Mary can I help you with something?" Mary looked busy preparing the silverware to be cleaned.

"Child you don't have to help me, it is my job." The old lady laughed.

"I know, but I'm bored. Please let me help you." I begged with my hands clasped in front of me.

"Oh, I can't say no to that face. I need to clean the silverware for the party next week. You can help me with that." I smiled. I knew I would be busy this afternoon and that I didn't have to worry about dying of boredom.

As we were cleaning, the question about the party made its way into my head again. "Mary, do you know why father is holding this party? He has never held any parties here. He went to parties, but never held them here." I looked at her, but she was avoiding my gaze.

"Mary?" I asked as she remained quiet. 

"Your father has not told me or any of us for that matter why he is planning this party. We just do as he tells us what to do. You have nothing to worry about, dear." A small 'okay' left my lips and we worked in silence until the job was finished.

• • •

A week went by and the whole house was filled with workers trying to set up the decor, furniture, and plates and glasses as quickly as they could for the party. The foyer was filled with white and light pink flowers and sheer satin curtains. I never thought there would go so much planning into a party. I didn't complain, I liked the looks of it. It gave our home the warmth it often missed.

While I was reading in the library, a young man came up to me, informing me that my father wanted to speak to me. I slapped my book close and dusted off my skirt before making my way upstairs.

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