Chapter 14

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I liked Evelyn. She smiled and joked all the time. She had taught me a lot of things about tv shows, tv channels, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and all other kinds of social media platforms, while we ate ourselves full of all kinds of snacks. Evelyn really had a sweet tooth. Only my body did not like the sweetness. Shortly after I had to throw up. Maybe I should take it easy with eating so many things at one time, the next time I am eating with Evelyn. 

When I came back, we finished watching a YouTube video which was a make-up tutorial. I really like those; they were very satisfying to watch. Quite shooting.

"Tomorrow we should go shopping. We will buy you a phone first. I can't believe how you lived without one. Oh, I can invite some of my friends as well, you will love them." Evelyn kept on babbling during dinner. I did not mind, I loved that she brought some positive energy into this house.

"I don't think it a good idea to take Ava shopping with you," Edric said suddenly. My smile dropped, my head hung low.

I was quite excited to go out tomorrow, but I knew that Edric's word was law. It was no use to try and change his mind.

"What are you talking about? It seems like Ava has not left the house in while and you can't be cooped up too long in one place. So, we are going to shop tomorrow, and you can't do a thing about it." Evelyn said, leaving no room for further arguments for her brother.

"Fine." He grumbled.

Evelyn turned to me and winked and served her another portion of food on her plate. Honestly, I was surprised by how much food this woman could eat. Even during dinner, she ate a lot. My stomach, on the other hand, felt still uneasy after all the snacks.

The next day I was nervous and excited as well. I was waiting by the front door for Evelyn as she was still getting ready. Just when she came down the stairs, my stomach felt weird. I dashed to the bathroom, throwing up my breakfast.

"Are you alright in there, Ava?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a minute." I said before I had to throw up again.

When I felt better, I flushed the toilet, took a deep breath, and stepped out of the bathroom.

"Are you sure you're feeling fine? We can stay home if you want?" She had put a hand on my shoulder and had a worried face.

"I-I'm fine. I assure you." Evelyn did not look convinced. "I-I think it's still from all the snacks I ate yesterday," I tried to convince her. 

She put her hand of my shoulder onto my forehead. "Well, it does not seem you have a fever. Tell me when you want to go home, okay?"

I nodded my head, and we went to the car. "So first we will go to a very cute coffee place, that's where I always meet with my friends before we go shopping." I nodded my head again.

While Evelyn was singing along with the radio, I enjoyed the view. The last time I was in the car it was nighttime, now it was daytime, and the city looked so much different, so much brighter. It hummed with energy. People going to or leaving work, families having fun outings, friends meeting up for a drink. The city looked so peaceful but energized at the same time. 

"What's so interesting out there?" Evelyn had turned down the radio as she asked me the question.

"Hmm, what do you mean?"

"You look like this the first time seeing the city? Did you live somewhere else? I thought the Angelo's owned this city?" A frown appeared on my face. How did my family own a city?

"I don't know what you mean, but it is actually the first time seeing the city in the daytime. And no, we did not live somewhere else. We lived just outside of the city."

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