Chapter 10

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Warning: sensitive topics will be discussed in this chapter, which can be triggering. Read at own risk! 

The next morning, I again, walked on eggshells around Edric. Fortunately, he did not bother me last night. But I had barely slept. My fears kept me awake. Just when I had managed to sleep, I was woken up by him, the evil man that is my husband.

Quickly I made my way to the kitchen to get his breakfast, making sure his coffee was ready when he entered the room.

Once again, I had hardly touched my food. Stress did not let me eat. I barely dared to even move. Afraid that with one movement I could make him set off. 

We ate in silence as there was not a need to make conversation with such a vicious man until Edric himself spoke up.

"We are going out tonight. So, no need in making dinner." With that, he left the house.

When I heard the front door closing, I could breathe again. I sighed. I did not know when he would come home, but I knew I had some hours to myself, free from him. How ironically. All my life I wished for a friend, for company and now I wished for nothing more than to be alone.

Even though I missed my brother greatly, I did not wish to see him. I felt ashamed, dirty, and not worthy anymore. I did not want my brother to see me like this.

Some tears had escaped. As I tried to wipe them away, I winced. I had forgotten about the bruise on my jaw and cheek. Right then, the three women I got to know yesterday, walked in. "Good morning Ava." All of them said. I greeted them back in a low voice.

Suddenly, I felt a presence next to me, it was Linda. She held her hand on my cheek, again I winced and pulled away from her. "Sorry, but that looks like it needs some care. Stella, get the first aid kit."

Stella handed her the asked for object and opened it. Stella gasped. "What happened?"

Debra smacked Stella's head, not too hard, but to warn her, I guess. "What happened is not our business Stella. Stop being so noisy. Remember last time when you were too curious." Stella nodded her head. "Good, then you know what the consequences are, and please show us that you learned your lesson from last time." Stella again nodded her head, guilty.

Meanwhile, Linda put some ointment on the bruise. It hurt, but when she was done it felt a bit better. "Thank you."

"You are welcome, Ava. You look tired why don't you take a quick nap. If you want, I can wake you up if you like."

Sleep did sound good and it was still early. I accepted her offer and went upstairs. I fell asleep in an instance. Only to be faced by one of my greatest fears, Edric. I was stuck in my nightmare until Linda woke me up. "It's alright, Ava. You're safe."

I sat up. "It's alright," Linda repeated. "I'll let you wake up, if you are hungry, I have made some lunch for you."

I said a quiet 'thank you' and with that, she left. I felt absolutely horrible. The nightmare had me relive that unfortunate night again and again. I had taken a quick shower to wash off all the cold sweat on my body.

When I felt refreshed again, I made my way downstairs. I had entered the kitchen and indeed lunch was served on the kitchen table.

After I finished my lunch, I went to the library to finish my task of organizing the books. I was glad I had such a time-consuming job to do. Well, it was not really a job, but to me it was. I had to do this, or I would lose my mind in here.

When I was halfway done, I heard someone nearing me. I turned around and saw Edric. Immediately I looked down, fear pumping through my veins. "What are you doing?" He asked in a low voice. His dark aura spread in the room. It almost felt colder in the library.

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