Chapter Twenty Four: The Beach House - Part 1

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Chapter twenty four.

'What to pack... What to pack...'

Blair watched Hailey muse over her open suitcase. A gigantic, bright pink suitcase that someone might take on a five week international holiday. Not exactly the type of luggage one would bring on a weekend away.

'Shall I put my clothes in with yours Hailey?' Blair asked with a wry smile. 'I think you have enough room.'

Hailey frowned, 'No way I'm not even finished packing, bring your own bag.'

Blair laughed and picked up her overnight bag off the floor. She rummaged through her drawers and picked out some sundresses and threw in a pair of flip flops.

'There, done!'

Hailey peered over at her from underneath a massive pile of clothes, 'Good effort. I take it your not planning on seducing Dean in any of those outfits?'

Blair grinned, 'Yeah Hailey I'm planning on seducing Dean on our family holiday with your parents in the next room. What a fantastic plan.'

She rolled her eyes, 'We're going away with our boyfriends B, there will be plenty of opportunities to sneak away with them. When are you and Dean going to take the next step by the way? It's not such a big deal now you're not a virgin is it?'

Blair shrugged, 'I don't know Hails.' To be honest the thought hadn't even crossed her mind. She was pretty content doing what they were doing. Having cute little dates and actual conversations – she wasn't used to it. Taking the next step seemed to be a bit too serious. She wasn't exactly sure how she felt about their relationship yet.

'Ok,' Hailey nodded. 'Don't feel pressured or anything. I know you just finished a pretty intense relationship with Cade of that nature. Which brings me to my next question... Are you going to tell Dean about you and Cade?'

Blair shrugged again, 'I'm not sure, what do you think? I know Dean won't care so I probably should let him know... It just might be weird with Cade around all the time.'

'He might have an issue with you living in the same house as him, seeing as it was the reason you two first started hooking up,' Hailey offered as she stuffed another dress into her suitcase. She sat on top of it and closed it smiling triumphantly. 'Done!'

'Girls?' Jane called out from downstairs. 'We're hitting the road now, hurry up.'

The two best friends headed downstairs, Blair was surprised to see Dean was here already sitting at the dining table talking to Jacob and Cade. The three of them seemed to be laughing at something Cade had said and she exchanged a surprised look with Hailey before heading over to say hi.

'So Dean is driving his own car because we won't all fit in mine,' Hailey's Dad said trying to sound organized but Blair knew he'd only discovered this fact that morning when she pointed it out to him. 'Dean, Blair, Cade and Lacy will go in that car and we'll take Jake and Hails,' he decided.

Blair had been sipping a glass of water and almost spat it out over Dean. She was just getting used to the idea of sharing a holiday house with Lacy and Cade as a couple, driving the two-hour trip down south stuck in a car with them sounded horrible.

As everyone headed out the front door loading up the two cars Blair caught Cade's eye, he was grinning at her.

She shrugged her shoulders and mouthed 'what' at him, curious to know why he was so amused.

'You have to laugh,' he whispered into her ear as he passed by her to load Lacy's bag into the car.

'Why?' Blair responded shaking at her head at him.

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