Chapter Three - Shots! Shots shots shots!

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Chapter Three: Shots! Shots shots shots!

'No, absolutely not. No way.'

Hailey grinned. 'Oh shut up Blair.'

'Get away from me with that.'

'Seriously, shut up Blair.'

Blair looked at the piece of material Hailey was insisting she wear for the evening, or more like lack of material. 'It looks like something a hooker would wear.'

Hailey burst out laughing, 'I'd be a little offended if I didn't know any better. But for your information missy it was in Cosmo this month so it is very in.'

Blair found herself laughing along with Hailey. They had the music blaring, all the makeup spread across Hailey's bedroom floor and a few champagne cocktails courtesy of Hailey's mad bar skills. All in all she was looking forward to the big party tonight, and maybe she was being a little bit of a prude about the dress. She had decided tonight was going to be a big one after her hellish week. With all the drama on the first day of school, and then run ins throughout the week, Blair was ready to strangle Cade. To top it all off, he'd literally become the most popular guy at school and got onto the basketball team which was a huge deal. All the guys wanted to be his friend and all the girls wanted him. His name was everywhere.

'Come on B, put on the dress and ill finish your hair,' Hailey wheedled with her winning smile.

She let out a squeal of delight when Blair took the offending dress from her grip who still managed to roll her eyes at her friend. Blair struggled into the dress, pulling it over her head and shimmying it down her body. The material was so tight it took her a few minutes to get it down to the appropriate place, the subsequent gasp from Hailey told Blair all she needed to know. It was too short.

'If I had legs like yours I would never even wear pants,' Hailey declared looking depressed and knocking back her drink.

'That's crap,' Blair retorted frowning into the mirror. 'You're legs are way nicer then mine, yours are skinny mine are weirdly shaped.'

'That's called toned darling,' Hailey sighed. 'Believe me, you win.'

Blair was not used to having bare legs on show, and when Hailey finally finished her hair a different woman stood in that same spot in front of the mirror. Her black heels made her legs look longer and the dress even shorter, her dark hair cascaded down her back in loose curls, her face was lightly made up with smoky eyes to accentuate them.

'You look hot. I'd bang you.'

Blair giggled at her friend but definitely felt quite good when she looked into the mirror.

'Now that I've done my magic on you, give me five minutes for myself,' Hailey threw her friend a dramatic smile and let out a giggle. 'Finish the champagne would you B? I've already had way more then you.'

Blair poured the rest of the bottle into her glass already starting to feel the effects of the bubbles going straight to her head. They'd finished one bottle and had one more to bring to the party. She could tell tonight might be messy, which was ok every once in a while, she reasoned as she packed the bottle.

Twenty minutes later, and more then a little bit tipsy the two girls stumbled down the stairs and out the door, glad the party was only two streets away. As they got a little closer they could even hear the music blaring out over the neighbourhood. Blair was already regretting the heels before they'd even arrived but knew a few more sips of champagne might numb the pain.

The girls entered the throng of people, some old school Sean Paul blasting through the speakers making Blair involuntarily wiggle her hips as they made their way to the kitchen to find glasses.

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