Chapter Twenty Three: Boyfriend?

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Chapter twenty three.

'So it's true...' Brady trailed off that Monday in school as he, Hailey and Blair's gazes followed the new 'it' couple of their school.

They watched as Lacy practically hung off Cade's arm across the lunch room toward the basketball table. Cade seemed to shake her off just before they reached it to sit down, but Lacy didn't seem affected and promptly took the seat next to him looking happier then Blair had ever seen her.

'It all seems a little fast doesn't it?' Brady asked the girls. He'd just been filled in that Hailey now knew about Blair and Cade's secret relationship. 'I mean just last week he told you he had no interest in Lacy and he liked you...'

'What?' Hailey interrupted him interested. 'When did this happen?'

'Oh, last week I confronted him about Lacy.' Blair blushed, 'I was a little jealous and he told me he liked me and not worry.'

Hailey frowned in confusion, 'Then what the hell is he doing with her?'

'I have a theory,' Brady said as he sipped his orange juice. 'Up until that Riverside party he didn't like Lacy and was only hanging out with her for that assignment, right?'

Blair nodded.

'Then he sees you with Dean and gets a little jealous, realizes you're not too interested in him anymore and picks the one person who annoys the hell out of you to pretend to date.'

Brady smiles triumphantly as though he'd solved a huge murder mystery case.

Blair frowns, that idea had definitely crossed her mind. Quite a few times to be honest. Cade had seen her kissing Dean, and they had been fighting even more than usual that week previously. She eyed Cade as he leant over and placed a kiss on Lacy's cheek and was a little dubious. Also there was the whole idea of why Cade would be jealous in the first place. They both wanted to keep their relationship secret, keep it on a friends basis and he told her straight up he didn't want a relationship. But dating Lacy to annoy her was something right up his alley.

'Stop overthinking it B,' Hailey instructed her seeing the obvious signs on her friends face. 'Look at the positives, you're free of the weird arrangement you had going on. You can focus on Dean.'

'Oh yeah,' Brady grinned. 'I may or may not have asked Wes for the DL on Dean.'

Blair tore her eyes away from Lacy and Cade and focused on Brady interested, 'What did he say?'

'Nothing!' Brady laughed. 'Couldn't be a more squeaky clean guy if you found him at church Blair. He broke up with a long-term girlfriend three months ago because she moved interstate and didn't want to do long distance. Not really much of a player either, Wes can't remember him hooking up at parties or anything. He's crazily into sports, mainly running. Also he came first in the half iron man for our state...'

Blair's mouth fell open, 'Wow.'

'Yep, obviously he's not as good as me but from what I can tell takes it pretty seriously,' Brady continued smiling. 'All in all Wes thinks he's a good choice.'

'He sounds pretty damn perfect,' Hailey said wistfully. 'Did he text you back after yesterday?'

Blair nodded and pulled out her phone hiding a smile, 'He asked if I wanted to go out to dinner tomorrow night after I cancelled the night after the party.'

'On a Tuesday?' Brady asked sounding impressed. 'He's so cool.'

Blair burst out laughing, 'Shut up Brady.' She stood up and headed over to get a drink leaving Hailey and Brady at the table pondering her possible new romance. She could tell her friends wanted her to forget all about Cade.

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