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"Why the fuck can't they let the boys and girls be in the same tent?" Jackson grunts as he winds the rope around the nail he just drove in. The school had finally decided to take us out for forest camping! I was exhilarated when I heard this news because I always wanted to do something adventurous, but I couldn't. My fate was to settle my butt in these four walls and study. But that changes today, I can finally have a fun, adventurous story to brag about. As usual, Jackson was least interested in this but is there anything that I can't make him do? Absolutely not. Hence, here he is, with me, fixing up my tent for tonight!

"It's so that they can prevent horny teenagers from doing any hanky panky, sweetheart," I say kissing his cheek.

"Yeah right as if you would agree to the idea of doing any 'hanky panky'" he rolls his eyes.

"You never know." I smirk. Jackson abruptly stops working and looks at me with amusement.

"Don't mess with me, little girl. Or else I'll tell Sir that the tent you're supposed to build on your own, is being built by me." He smirks back. I gasp loudly and shake my head, panicking.

"No no I'm sorry! Don't tell him about this, please." I wrap my arms over his broad shoulders.

"I don't want to get into his bad books, Jackson," I whine.

"Relax princess, I was just joking. You really think I'd rat you out like that?" He laughs tapping my nose with his own.

"Shut up," I mumble with a frown.

"Aww come here you." He cooed as he took me into a bear hug whilst muzzling his face in the crook of my neck.

"Let go of me and finish fixing this tent."

During the night, we were all exhausted. We had a tiny campfire lit in the middle of the forest, where people played games, sang songs and some even snuck in alcohol. After the tiring night, however, we all had decided to call it a day. The partners with whom we'd share the tent were set beforehand itself and as per the camp instructions, boys and girls weren't allowed in the same tent, which was kind of a buzzkill for Jackson. He had to share a tent with Ronny, who for some reason, has a beef with Jackson. I guess they must've had a fight or something. I remember sleeping peacefully in my sleeping bag, with Jessica right next to me. Out of nowhere, I feel a light tapping on the tent, I groggily open my eyes to see a shadow looming outside of the tent. As I was about to scream my lungs out, a familiar voice speaks up.

"Don't scream, it's Jackson." He whispers. I let out a sigh of relief and unzip the front side.

"What're you doing here, baby?"

"Look, I came to this lame ass camping so that I could spend time with you, not to listen to Ronny snore the fuck out of himself." I let out a giggle and pat his head.

"But we'll be in trouble if we get caught," I whisper back.

"No one is gonna know. I'll make sure of that-"

"Jackson? The fuck are you doing at 2:30 in the morning?" Jessica groans.

"Oh hey, Jes! I needed a favour. Could you by any chance-"

"Nope, I'm not sharing a tent with Ronny." She shakes her head.

"What? Come on, Jess. Please I'll do anything that you say. Just let me be with Rosie." He begs.

"No way Jackson-"

"Please Jess." I plead her with puppy eyes which actually takes her and Jackson by surprise.

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