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"Bye Rose I'll see you in the cafe," Philips says as he waves me goodbye.

"Bye Phil," I say with a bright smile.

"Who the fuck is that?" Jackson possessively wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer.

"That's Philips. The guy you brought to help me in biology." I say, walking towards my locker.

"It was this dork?"

"Jackson!" I glare at him.

"He is a good friend of mine now. He helped me out a lot, so you better not speak ill about him." I say sternly as I grab my school bag and walk towards the exit.

"I didn't tell you to be friends with him, Rosie. I just said to take help from him." I stop walking and look at him, placing my hands on my hips.

"You don't get to tell me what to do. Moreover, I can't just abandon him after seeking his help. I don't take people for granted."

"But you don't have to entertain him all the time. What did he mean when he said he'll see you at the cafe?"

"We're going to meet at the cafe. He has a quiz test tomorrow so I thought of helping him in preparation."

"He can help himself. You don't need to tutor him." Jackson says through gritted teeth as we head towards his bike.

"He is my friend, Jackson. Why are you so jealous? You are the one who brought him to me." I say as we stand beside his bike.

"Yeah, but I didn't expect you to be friends with that asshole."

"Jackson! You badmouth Philips one more time and I will-"

"You will do what?" He asks raising an eyebrow.

"You're going to break up with me? You won't talk to me?" He scoffs.

"I might." I say clenching my jaw.

"Wow, so you're going to choose that loser over your boyfriend?" He scoffs again.

"I don't need a boyfriend who is as possessive and insecure as you. I don't get mad when you talk to other girls, do I? Why don't you trust me? I don't understand why you have to be so jealous. Why don't you grow up and then talk to me?" I say as I walk away from him.

"May I come in, Ma'am?" A familiar voice speaks from behind as I put down one of the toddlers in the daycare. I turn around and see Mike standing at the entrance with a wide grin. I gasp and jog towards him, taking him into a tight hug.

"Gosh, it's been so long, Mike!" I exclaim as we pull away from each other.

"I know right. It's been ages since I saw you last." He says. And it is true. It's been a long time, the last time I saw him was when dad passed away. The mere thought of that dreaded day upsets me.

"I'm sorry again." He says softly as he rubs my back. I shake my head with a soft smile and go out of the daycare to talk to him, after making sure that Stella is around the kids.

"What brings you here?" I ask.

"Nothing important actually. I was in the neighbourhood so I thought of dropping by." He says with a light shrug.

"That's sweet of you. I'm sorry that I didn't have the time to meet up with you." I laugh nervously.

"Oh come on! Don't be ridiculous, I totally understand. I was wondering if you'd like to have lunch with me."

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