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You sat in the room staring at the night sky.

"Hey." Hoseok spoke as he made his way to the bed, "Not sleepy?"

"No that's not the case...It's just that, I've been wondering, has it all started to get harder on you guys since I showed up? I feel like such a burden. I feel like your life was easier without me being here. Don't you think so too?"

He let out a sigh as he embraced you in a warm hug, "Yes, but you're a part of us now. Remember how scared you were when you first came here? You were supposed to be working for us." He let out a soft chuckle before continuing to speak again, "We learned so much from you. We were always strict and didn't care about anything else until you showed up. You showed us another path, a path to love and care." He backed away putting a finger on your forehead, "Don't stress too much. Some things got easier and some got harder. But people can always adapt to changes, like we did."

A smiled formed on your face as you felt comforted.

What if I had never met these boys? Would the others have found me and gotten the ring from me...They didn't even try to steal the ring from me. They just supported me instead...Is this what love is? Is this, everything I wanted? Someone to protect me, someone to love me, someone to be by my side forever-


"What was that!?" You gazed at the window once more. Your eyes widened as you saw people running with guns shooting fire,"How did they find out about us!?" You went downstairs with Hoseok and saw the rest of the boys coming there as well.

"Lock the doors, turn off the lights, get weapons, and hide. Also, stay with your partner. Here's a walkie talkie. " Namjoon spoke as he handed out a walkie talkie to one person in a pair. Someone locked the door as another turned off the lights. You quickly made your way to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. You opened another drawer and pulled out a gun and shoved it in your pocket. You passed another gun over to Hoseok and you ran upstairs. The boys also scattered out and hid in a place where no one can see them. You grasped on the gun tighter as you heard loud banging on the door. Hoseok grabbed your hand and comforted you reminding you that you're safe. Just then you heard the door burst open.

You heard them yelling and shooting. You got up from behind the bed and wakes by the window. "What are you doing!?" Hoseok whisper-yelled.

"I'm not going to hide forever. We have to fight back, or escape in this case so, join me." You whispered back to him. He shot a nervous glance at you then at the window.

"Cops. The neighbors must've called them." Hoseok whispered again.

You made your way to the window and opened it. You looked at the tree then looked down. Not too high. You can do it. You encouraged yourself as you stepped on the tree. You smiled to yourself as this reminded you of the Jay Park incident, "Jumping off a skyscraper...classic." 

"What?"Hoseok said looking at you with his eyebrows cocked. You bent down holding onto the tree and leaned forward. You quickly made a jump before Hoseok could question you any further. You made a landing on your knees then got back up. You looked around a signaled Hoseok to jump down. He threw down some pillows then made a jump for it. 

He pulled out the walkie talkie and whispered into it, "We left from the back." He put the walkie talkie back into his pocket and cocked the gun back. You heard the police yelling while entering the house. You quickly ran to the car as Hoseok followed. You st in the drivers seat and told the ring to start the car. Within seconds the car started and you carefully drove out. You heard some yelling from the back and accelerated and drove off.  You sped off as Hoseok continued to inform the boys about your whereabouts. 

"Do you know how to drive?!" he yelled as you ended up drifting the car. You quickly got back in the lane and made your way through the cars. You looked into the mirror and saw a few cars chasing you. 

The police sirens turned on as you spoke up, "No." You took another turn and went for the exit. You continued to drive as you saw the green light turn into yellow. You narrowed your eyes as you shifted the gear and went faster. 


You were able to get through the light. You looked into the mirror again and one of the cars crashed. One down, two more to go. You thought to yourself as you heard a loud explosion as you continued to drive further and further from the scene. 

"Good news is that were able to get out. Bad news is we're split apart." You heard someone talk over the walkie talkie. Hoseok talked back and responded to them as you focused on the driving. One of the cars caught up to you and pushed the car against the steel barrier. You pushed the other car trying to get some space you can you speed up further. You looked at the driver then at the road. The driver pulled out a gun as you continued to push the car. You were able to get enough room and took a turn before you crashed into the road divider. The other car went straight and crashed into the divider as it toppled over. It landed upside down as the wheels continued to move slowly. You let out a sigh you focused on the road once more. One more to go... You took the car to a gas station and ran inside. Hoseok followed you as you both got out from the back. The police got in looking for you both. You got to the back side and eventually made your way back to the front of the parking lot, and looked for a not so noticeable car. 

"The cop car." You told the ring as it unlocked the car for you. 

"A cop car is so not noticeable." Hoseok spoke with sarcasm as he walked towards it. 

"Did I hear cop?" Someone responded from the walkie talkie. Both you and Hoseok got in and you drove off again. 

"Are you guys caught!?"

"No...we're just in a cop car." Hoseok responded focusing on the road. 

"So, caught?" 

"No! We're just escaping in a cop car." Hoseok responded as you snickered.

"How did you..? Oh forget it! Meet us at the fast food restaurant at XxxxxX"  

"Okay." Hoseok put the walkie talkie away as you continued to drive at a slow pace along with the other cars on the road.  

I can only imagine my life without the boys. I don't want it to be reality. Never.  

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