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"You have to hand it over, you can't take care of it." Jin spoke trying to be reasonable.

"I will not just hand it over, it's a family business!" You spoke back trying to defend your claim. Unfortunately someone has started the conversation about your company and that you should hand it over to someone else.

"You're a part of the mafia! If someone finds out you will die, they think all mafia is bad! You will have to give it up. You have no other choice!" Jin talked back defending his claim further.

"But, I can't just do that! I'm not going to do that." You answered back to his claim in a demanding tone.

"Y/n, please. Look, you have nothing to take care of in there. It's mostly been your assistant right? He will take care of it. Hand it over to him, he must've been your assistant because you trusted him. You haven't even visited the building for so long...heck, you don't even know anything about the company." Jin spoke as he tried to manipulate you to hand it over.

It's been a month since you met the boys. You guys have gotten closer and your feelings have grown stronger. Each day there is something new to learn, whether it be about fighting tactics or about the ring.

"Okay- We'll talk about this some other time. I'm going to the living room, if you need me I'll be there."

                                                                                        * * * * *

A hour passed passed by as you stood by the kitchen counter looking at the fridge, "I'm bored..." You exclaimed as you let out a sigh. You made your way to the living room to find Jin sitting on the floor playing Mario kart on the TV. Just then the TV suddenly went blank. "What the-!?" Jin exclaimed as he furiously pressed on the controller buttons, "Did the power go out?"

"Do you think the power went out?" You asked as you looked around the room. The lights, the fan, lamps, everything was working alright, "Maybe the TV just got old. Needa throw it out." you said as you pursed your lips forming them into a straight line.

"Or, it's a warning..."Jin spoke as a figure popped up on the screen.

"Greetings dear ladies and gentlemen. This is an emergency meeting regarding the wars between groups. It seems that they've gotten out of hand. This is due to the fact that some of you know who the provider of the ring is...I'm aware that all of you know about the ring and the girl, though, you might not know what she looks like...some do, I suppose. The bosses have decided to let you do whatever you want at this point, feel free to do whatever is right...or wrong. If you want to hide go ahead, if you want to fight go ahead. Many of you have experienced something like this before, but for some, it might be your first time. Rules are rules though. The rules of the underground must be followed accordingly. Break em, and we'll break you. Have a pleasant night, till next time."

With that the TV shut off and Jin's game started again. You heard a bunch of footsteps approaching you. Turning around you saw the faces of the terrified boys.

"This...is where...things...get real." Taehyung spoke as he looked at the rest of the boys.

"But, how come Bang Pd let this slide through? He knew we have the girl, he knew how much trouble it would cause for us.." Hoseok spoke as he questioned everything. 

"We don't know. But what we do know is that, we have to watch out now. Everyone has gotten the warning, which means... anyone can come in and try to steal the girl. So that means that we have to forge teams. That's our only option at the moment. Everyone is after the ring, we have to get some groups with us, big or small- doesn't matter. We need for protection for now." Namjoon spoke up, looking serious. 

"So, now I'm at real danger..." You spoke looking terrified at the boys, "I guess it was all fun and games, until now." 

"The ring will protect you I'm sure. You told us that it had all sorts of advanced technologies implanted into it, you'll be fine, I suppose.." Hoseok spoke looking at you, "Plus, if we by chance forge with other groups, maybe we'll have a better chance keeping you safe."

"How come you guys aren't after the ring?" You asked looking at them. 

"Well at first with the killing and kidnapping incident we did research on you, and we found out that you were the keeper of the ring. Though, that did take lots of effort since there was no data on your parents. We did want to go after the ring but then some other groups got to you and then you found out. We then got you back and we eventually grew feelings for you." Yoongi stated a quick summary in just seconds. 

"But that's not the point right now, the point is how we're going to keep you safe." Namjoon spoke as his leadership skills came rushing in, "Call an meeting..." he took a deep breath in and looked over to you with a concerned face, "With Stray Kids...

No, anyone but them. I don't want to face Minho again, ever. Not after what he had done. 

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