You Too?

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He dragged you out the room and pushed you on the floor. You fell on your knees as you looked up at him. He looked at you lustfully yet angered,"How could you let him do that!?" You didn't reply and looked down. "You liked it didn't you?" He asked as he came closer. 

"N-NO!" He was at eye level. 

He then pushed you down and pinned your hands above your head. He lifted the sweater exposing your undergarments. A smile formed in his lips. "My favorite color, so thoughtful of you." he spoke up as his eyes still filled with lust.

"Let.Me.Go" you demanded, struggling in his grip. You couldn't escape he had a tight grip on you. He lifted the sweater some more now exposing your stomach. He goes down and takes a deep breath in. He goes further kissing next to your womanhood.

 "Jimin!" You knew that voice it was Namjoon. "Let her go."

"So you're telling me you can do this but not me?" Jimin commented back. 

"Well stop!" Namjoon spoke up as they both broke into arguments. 

"Well why should I? You did this too!"

"You're hurting her!" 
"Like you didn't!? You left marks look!"
He said as he pointed to your collar bone
He got off of you. You had forgotten your shirt was still up.

Just then the other boys came in. "What's happening here" yoongi asked, "This better be good. You disturbed my beauty sleep."

"did you have it or something?" Jungkook spoke up looking at you. He points to your body, everyone looks in your direction. You look down to see your exposed body. Your face was probably as red as a tomato. You quickly pulled down the sweater.

"Yoongi your nose is too Namjoon and Hoseok." Jin spoke up,"But seriously, what happened here?" Jin asked.

 "Also what are those marks her?" Taehyung asked. You looked at Namjoon and he nodded his head to a no. 

"I-I um...." you didn't know what to say. "Wait hold on...Namjoon..." Jin spoke up. "You did these!" Jin yelled.

"Sorry..."Namjoon spoke up apologizing to Jin. 

"Apologize to her." Jin spoke up. 

 "But-" Namjoon tried to defend himself but was cut off by Jin. 

"No buts." 

"Fine sorry y/n." Namjoon finally apologized. 

"It's okay..." You spoke up not wanting to hear any more arguments. 

"Really? Having a hickey is okay?" Jin asked while cocking up his eyebrow. 

"Well no- but-" But before you could continue Jin cut you off as well. 

"Go clean your noses!" Jin looked at Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok while yelling at them. 

 "I gotta go work!" The three spoke in unison. With that all three of them left. 

"That reminds me, I also have to make a leave, I'll be back by ten" Jin spoke up and left. 

"Welp I guess it's us four then." Jungkook commented looking at Taehyung, Jimin, and you.

 "Wanna play games?" Tae asked. 

"Sure" you said wanting to forget about what just happened. 

* * * 

Everyone was playing games until you all got hungry.

"What do we eat?"Jungkook asked sighing

"The fridge exists." Jimin spoke up. 

"For real? I thought it was a dream!"Taehyung spoke up acting all sarcastic. 

"Why does it sound like something you would say without the sarcasm?"You asked looking at Taehyung. 

 "I thought I was the only one who thought that." Jungkook spoke up.

You all walked to the kitchen hoping to find anything good to eat. There was so much food but you guys didn't want that.
You opened the fridge and a large "Do NOT Touch" sign was over a container. 

"Oo~ that looks good" Tae said and took the container. 

"It says do not touch though, you should put it back." You told him but he didn't listen.

He opened the container to find jello. 

"Ooo~ jello" You and Jimin spoke at the same time. 

You all had some and it tasted so good. You kept on eating and eating till you started feeling weird. 

"GUyS thIS iS so gooD~" you slurred. 

They looked at each other. "Hold on..! These are Jell-O shots!" Jungkook spoke as he saw your condition. 

"She can't control her alcohol like we can....." Taehyung spoke up while glancing at you.

* * *

"Come dear horse! Get moving!" You yelled as you sat on Jimin's back.

 "Ugh your dear horse is going die" he said as he grunted. 

"You think you're gonna die? I've been standing here for the past two hours! I'm a damn tree!" Taehyung yelled. 

"At least you're not me! I'm a freaking frog!" Jungkook yelled. 

You got off of Jimin and kissed jungkook. You both made out a little. 

"This was my first kiss...." he spoke up. 

"Me too" you slurred, "And now you're human. Jungkook come on get up!" He sighed and got up. "THE END!" you yelled and bowed to the imaginary audience. 

"What the hell!?" Jimin and Taehyung yelled in unison. You had kissed jungkook for real in your 'imaginary princess story.'

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