Chapter Two - Rabid

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Before you even knew what was happening, your head collided with the wall.

. . . 

A bright white light blinded you, and a sharp beeping rung in your ears. You could feel the blood pounding in your head and a stabbing pain. You blinked hard and a teal curtain came into focus, followed by familiar white walls. You clenched your teeth and pushed yourself up. The plastic-y sheets of the hospital bed crunched as you planted both feet onto the floor. The cold seeped in through your thin lace socks, and you realized you were missing your shoes. 

"Hey, how are you feeling?"

You quickly looked over at the doorway to the room you were in. To your relief, it was Dani.

"Okay," you replied, grimacing from moving your head too fast. "What happened?"

"Your patient went crazy and attacked you, Y/N."

"What?" you shouted, panicked. "Oh, no, no, I can't believe I messed up on my first day."

Dani's eyes widened.

"That's what you're worrying about? That psycho just bashed in your head!"

"He's not a psycho," you answered as you smoothed out your top. You grabbed your blazer from the chair beside the bed and slid it on, pulling it down on both sides. You were hardly listening to a word Dani was rambling anymore. You needed to go explain to Dr. Monroe. "Do you know where my shoes are, Dani?"

"I think you should take the day off," she urged, but handed you your Mary Janes without protest.

"Thanks, Dani, but I don't need to." You took a few steps, a little wobbly. "See? I'm good. You can stop worrying about brain damage or whatever now."

As soon as you left the room, you guided your hand along the plaster wall to support yourself. You considered walking barefoot, but that seemed unprofessional, so you just continued. To your luck, you spotted Dr. Monroe in the pharmacy room. His expression dropped when he spotted you.

"Y/N, what are you doing? Did you need some aspirin?" he asked, concerned.

"No, I was looking for you, sir."

"It can wait, you should go rest. You can use the infirmary until you have a ride home."

"Dr. Monroe," you said in a serious tone. "I thought I should talk with you. I know you had high hopes for me, and now this happens on my first day. I-"

 "Nonsense, my dear." He gently rested a hand on your shoulder. "Ocean has a history of unpredictable violence. The past few people in this position all quit within their first week because of it. Though, I hope you won't follow in their footsteps."

"I won't, sir, but I take full responsibility." 

"Y/N, you couldn't have known that was a trigger for him."

"I knew about his trauma around abandonment, so I should have known that he saw his previous doctors quitting as more acts of abandonment."

"Look, I don't expect you to work any further today," he said curtly. "I know you care about your patient, but frankly, you shouldn't waste your efforts trying to help Ocean improve. He's only gotten worse so far."

"I still need to try, sir," you insisted. "It's my job, isn't it?"

His eyes darted away from yours. "If I'm honest, Y/N, you're here mainly as a caretaker."

"You're right. I was hired as Ocean's psychiatrist. I will take care of him." 

He looked at you, half-intrigued and half-troubled. He sighed, and in a low voice, granted,

ANIMAL | a yandere!mental patient x doctor!readerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora