Chapter Three - Unstable

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(TW: mention of suicide, violence)

"Whatever. Just don't expect me to take care of you the next time you get banged up."

. . . 

Your conversation with Dani left a bitter taste in your mouth. How could she talk about someone who had gone through so much like that? You didn't entirely blame her, though. She didn't know his story like you did. She would change her mind if you told her Ocean was originally a regular, first-floor patient. Or that he was admitted because he had attempted suicide after having to take a year to recover physically from what the girl he loved had done to him.

As you stepped back inside Ocean's padded room, you put your frustration aside and smiled. He was sitting exactly where you left him. He glanced up at you, but didn't meet your eyes.

"Hi, I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long. Can I sit?"

He nodded, and you took a seat, the same distance away as before. Neither of you spoke, but Ocean ate the rest of his lunch without any problems. As you left to take your lunch break, he stood in the window of the door and watched you go. 

You immediately regretted your choice to leave the relative warmth of the hospital when you came into contact with the wrought iron of one of the benches in front of the building. Your legs were practically freezing off.

"Hey, babe, how's work?" you asked, cradling your phone with both hands.

Andie's voice blared through the speaker. The background noise from his side of the call was making your head hurt. He must have been busy. "Stressful. I think I'll have to work late again. Don't wait up." 

"Aw, well, don't forget to eat something, okay?" 


"Good luck. I love you, babe."

"Me, too." 

You sighed as he hung up and dropped your phone back into your pocket. Andie worked a lot of late nights, but you didn't mind. He was a successful personal stylist, so it was only expected that he would have long work hours. Besides, you wanted to be a supportive girlfriend. 

A flurry of snow began to fall from the overcast sky. You looked out at the street, where salt was already being added to prevent ice. Shivering, you went back inside and rubbed your hands together. You didn't feel like eating, but you needed something to thaw your numb fingers, so you headed into the break room to down a cup of (expresso/hot chocolate) with extra whipped cream. 

"Hey, Y/N?" Dani called out to you as you were passing through the lobby. You didn't exactly want to talk to Dani at the moment, but you didn't want to be rude to her either. You paused and turned to acknowledge her.


"Look, um, I didn't mean to be like that," she said, fiddling with the hair tie on her wrist. "It's just that I've been here as long as your patient, and I've seen the things he's done."

"It's okay. Thanks for caring about me, but you know I've read his file, right?"

"Right, and what does it say about Alice Fischbach?"

You flipped the folder open. "That she was a nurse, and that she was attacked with a syringe needle."

"She got stabbed in the eye. I visited her after her surgery."

"Oh," you blurted, not knowing how to respond. There must have been a reason for what Ocean did, you thought. There was a reason for everything. "Do you know what happened?"

"I don't know- my point is, he's unstable. I don't want you to end up like Alice." 

"I'm sure I'll be fine, Dani. He is restrained, you know. Worst-case scenario, I get hit in the head again or something."

Ocean's dinner consisted of a fried wild rice with peas and shredded carrots, a dinner roll, and, of course, another bottled water. It looked average, if not a little plain, but the warm smell wafting from it made you salivate. 

Ocean was sitting cross-legged in the corner, already staring at you when you came into his room.

"Hi," you began. You were starting to sound like a broken record. "Can I sit?"

He nodded in response, and you took a seat. Much to your dismay, your stomach decided to growl. You felt your face heat up in embarrassment.

"Sorry," you said quickly, opening the bottle of water and putting in the straw to distract yourself. You spooned up a portion of rice and held it up for Ocean. 

"I can share," he muttered under his breath, like he didn't know if he wanted you to hear.

"Oh, that's nice of you, Ocean," you smiled. "But it's okay. I can just have something later."

He ate in silence for a few minutes, and you were starting to wish you took him up on the offer. You swallowed hard. You couldn't take food from your patient- that would definitely be unprofessional.

"So, what do you like to do?" you asked, trying to curb your hunger. Of course, Ocean's file already had the things that the hospital knew he liked written inside, but there could always be more that they didn't know.

"I don't do anything," he replied sharply. You cursed inwardly as you realized how dumb your question sounded. 

"Um, I meant, what would you want to do if you could go outside?" you managed. You crossed your fingers (mentally) and hoped that it would fix the damage.

"What does it matter?"

"I just-"

"I'm never getting out." 

Your heart ached for him. You remembered that his file listed the countless doctors and nurses who had refused to continue treating him, either because he was too violent, or because they felt he was resistant to their treatments.

"You will one day, Ocean. I'm sure of it."

"Stop lying to me," he demanded in a tight voice. 

You wiped your sweaty hands on your skirt. "What do you mean?"

"Stop pretending you're different and quit already."

"Ocean, I-"

"Or you'll keep getting hurt."

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