Chapter Eleven - Can I Kiss You?

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(Slight TW - death)

When you came into work just a couple of days later, Tom Whitley was dead.

. . .

The nurse doing wake-up calls that morning informed you that Tom had somehow gotten access to the hospital's pharmacy and accidentally overdosed again, except this time it was fatal. She seemed unfazed, considering she was the one who stumbled upon Tom's body. She talked about it like it was a usual occurrence for her, and you understood why, since death in hospitals wasn't as rare as you wanted to believe, but it was the first you had experienced at Forrest. Tom's folder had been missing from your office for a few days, but today it reappeared on your desk when you needed it to, along with another doctor who was working with Tom, fill out the form that confirmed Tom's death. You must be a bit out of it, you thought to yourself and made a mental note to get yourself together before meeting with the family later.

You stopped in front of Ocean's door, and instead of going in, you found yourself staring down at the room where Tom was staying. The sheets were being stripped from the bed to go down to the laundry room, and a suitcase of Tom's belongings sat outside. You felt a nagging sense of guilt, but you tore your gaze away and stepped into Ocean's room.

Immediately after you sat down, he asked, "Are you okay, Y/N? You look sad."

"Tom died today," you answered quietly. Ocean frowned, pulling you into his arms. You sunk into the hug, resting your head under his. Ocean smelled faintly of flowers still, even with brand new clothes, and it was comforting to you.

"Don't worry, it wasn't your fault."

"I don't know," you said. "He seemed to be doing okay in our last session, but... I don't know."

"You shouldn't think about it too much, it'll just upset you."

You hummed in agreement as Ocean ran a hand through your hair, which was usually what you did to calm him down. "I guess you're right."

"If you want to get your mind off of it, maybe we can go-"

"Y/N," June interrupted from the doorway, making Ocean fall silent. You almost jumped away from Ocean as the door fully opened.

"Oh, um, hi," you awkwardly greeted him.

"Hey, can I talk to you?"

You nodded, following June out to the hallway. You didn't look back at Ocean- which was part of the reason for his expression- but he was glaring daggers as you left.

June closed the door behind him, giving you a concerned look and a gentle touch on the shoulder.

"I heard about your rehab patient. How are you holding up?"

"Fine, just trying not to think about it too much," you replied, echoing what Ocean had said earlier.

"Okay, but if you need me, you can always talk to me." It was true that June was easy to talk to. Because of that, the two of you had grown closer and had even started texting over the time that you had on break.

"I know," you said sincerely, giving him a hug. "You're the best."

As you pulled away, June asked, "Listen, that new café we've been waiting for just opened downtown. Do you want to go later?"

"Oh, really? Sure, we should go during lunch."

You parted ways, with June heading back to work and you back to Ocean's room. A thought crossed your mind. Was June asking you on a date? When you sat back down next to Ocean, he was staring out the window beside his bed.

ANIMAL | a yandere!mental patient x doctor!readerWhere stories live. Discover now