Chapter 2

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Last night me and Bella didn't sleep at all, we never said anything to each other, but she and I both cried ourselves to sleep. I worried for school tomorrow, I though things like what if people didn't like me, and what if I didn't make any friends, and what if I'm not good enough. But I didn't give a single fuck about what people thought of me, and I didn't care if I make friends, the only person I had to begin with was Bella although we never said anything about it,we both knew that for now we were all each other had. 

That morning, even though I had stayed up mostly all night, I got a little sleep before waking up early. Bella was asleep, or at least she appeared so. So when I woke up I did a little praying, not to a god or anything, just to myself I suppose. I heard Charlie leave so I stopped praying and turned to look at Bella whose eyes were wide, with fear but yet numbness, I felt the exact same way. 

"Hey Bella..?" I whispered.


"Can I ride with you in the truck Charlie got you?"

"okay" She responded in less than I whisper, her voice almost cracking.

"Bella, Im scared"


" I am going to be the youngest person in the entire Junior class"

"Y/n But your going to be one of the smartest." We turned to look at each other, locking eyes. Without saying any words, we came to an agreement to get up and get ready. 


We pulled into the school parking lot in her beat up, but nifty little orange truck. Everybody looked. I wasn't sure if it was because of the truck or because we were the new girls that everybody new were coming. I grabbed my dark forest green backpack and she grabbed her copper brown backpack. We opened the doors and stepped out into this new world, no not a world, this town was to small to even use that metaphor. 

"y/n let me see your schedule" I handed it to her and she handed me hers. We had lunch, biology, and PE together. 

"okay well I will see you at lunch then" I said bye and walked away, a few seconds later I turned around to see her talking to some guy. Of course perfect Bella made a friend before we even made it into the school. 

I walked into my math class and handed me slip to the teacher and looked around while he signed it. I saw only one seat open. It was next to a gentle looking short haired girl. The teacher gestured for me to go sit down next to her and that I did. I seamy stuff down at the table and sat down. After setting up my stuff and looked at the girl through the corner of my eye. She was fully turned to stare at me, so I turned to look at her.

"Hi Im-" I began before she interrupted me.

"-your y/n the new girl"

"Huh...Yup thats me" Great everyone even knew my name.

"Im Alice" She said before going in for a hug, I was shocked, but tried to hug her back. She only hugged me for a split second before jolting back and knocking over her chair treeing to get away from me. She ran out of the classroom. She was fast, but so graceful. But I was so confused what just happened. I didn't pay attention for the rest of the class because I was so confused and shocked. 

I carried on through my next couple of classes, still quite shaken up. When lunch finally came I wasn't hungry, I just wanted to crawl into a ball and cry, but when did I not. I walked into the lunch room carrying a book so I could just read instead of trying to socialize. I saw an empty table and went to sit at it, I opened my book and finally found happiness while falling back into the pages, word by word. It felt like no time had passed at all when I heard someone speaking behind me, I looked up to see a blond girl right in front of my along with 3 guys and one other girl, the girl I recognized. Alice.

"Excuse me, this is out spot" The blond said

"oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize that we were in elementary school" I said before I got up and left. I could feel her burning eyes as she watched me walk away. I looked around for Bella, and when our eyes met she waved me over, subtly. 

"Hey guys this is my sister, Y/n" Bella introduced me. there was a series of 'Hello' and 'hi Y/n' coming from all the people sitting at the table. Bella tapped on my shoulder and whispered in my ear, 

"What did that girl say to you?" 

"Nothing much, she was just being immature" I turned back to see not only the blond staring at me, but Alice as-well.

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