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The cold metallic mosaic golden knob held a heaviness unbeknownst to me. A lethal premonition gnawed and wrenched at my gut like a screaming banshee. Something...someone is behind these large boulders that will completely change your life! It screamed like a thousand shards of glass.

It's your inevitable destiny.

I gulped the nasty phlegm that was building up ever since I was called to the principal's office. I had put up a facade of a good student: punctual at classes; never raised a hand to ask a question; ignored the popular wannabes who created drama for clout; helped with school events quietly; meekly excused myself whenever I was invited for a lame get together—I was a nobody, an average student and was easily forgotten therefore making my cover flawless. Yet why is the principal asking for me?

Your cover had been compromised. They know who you are. Laughed the banshee in my head, mocking my stupidity.

Or maybe he just wants to question my lack of presence in the previous unimportant big events.

Hoping for the latter, I let myself in the massive room of the principal. I gaped at the panelled walls that were covered with crimson tapestries while rustic dark wooden furniture was laid strategically to make the room even more spacious than it looked. Books and papers stacked like the Shanghai Tower on his marbled desk while shelves of documents were piled neatly, collecting cinnamon dust against the dark scarlet walls.

I snuffed a whiff of a cigar as I entered the unfamiliar territory. There was a tint of vanilla extract and summer citrus—definitely of high calibre. More importantly, the person smoking it wore an Armani suit that could probably pay my whole college tuition. He sat in a comfortable stature, holding on a silver staff with a lion's head which bared its sleek fangs to those who stared at its ruby eyes.

"Clarissa, thank you for coming as soon as you can," the principal sighed, his voice trembling a little. A small bead of sweat cascaded down his bald forehead.

"Of course." I scanned the room and noticed three other men wearing black coats and leather-clad boots. Their heads bowed down and their hands behind their broad backs.

The smoker glanced at me and gave me a judgemental rundown, scrutinizing my style of clothing. His beady green eyes snared at my lack of self-awareness as if he'd been let down many times but this was another level altogether.

"St. Royal Academy is here to recruit you. I-we are so honoured that they have chosen a student from our simple school—"

"Oh please Mr. Fins, your school is one of the top schools to ever produce well-renowned students who at least had a sense of style, unlike this antiquated girl. I expected more." The smoker never left his eyes on me. I held his unfaltering gaze and smiled.

"I don't understand." I acted dumb even though I knew exactly what they were talking about.
By the gods, let them think this is a terrible mistake. I have no interest in fluffy, tumescent dresses, bejewelled 10-inch heels and certainly do not crave expensive delicacies such as buttery caviar. I used to laugh and make fun of these ridiculous intricacies.

But today was not my day and it certainly was not my year. The search for my father was at a dead-end, save the necklace he had left behind. It was my only memento of him and I could not wait to wring his neck with it. This whim to have me find him had been the hardest and he assured me it will be the last. It better be.

"Surely, you have heard of the St. Royals academy Clarissa," the principal's gasp brought me back to my current dilemma.

"No, I have not." I twirled my mahogany hair with my index finger and stared back at him with big eyes. "Is it a nice school?"

"For the love of God, it's a school of royalty obvious to its name," the smoker answered, transparently annoyed.

I held my innocent smile radiating with purity. "Oh but what of us now Roy?"

"Roy? What is the bloody meaning of this Mr. Fin?" The smoker's eyes smouldered in a fiery rage.

The principal's face paled like a ghost from the depths of Tartarus, lips quivering and unable to utter a single word.

"What of the promises you made during the endless nights of our sin? Have you forgotten? Our love cannot just end like this!" Tears rolled down my cheeks as I clutched my chest.

"This is nonsense! My lord, please, I have a loving wife and three children who I love more than my dear life! I will not ever—not even once think of having an affair with my student!" He motioned with his arms flailing, a sheen of sweat evident on his bald head.

I continued to sob like a widow who just lost her husband. "So that's it? You'll just throw me away? After defiling me and claiming my innocence? You dare leave me and the life we made together?!" I rubbed on my belly and earned recoiled gasps from both the smoker and his bodyguards.

"Enough with the games Clarissa!" The principal's face turned red as a beet, his eyes welling up with tears from embarrassment.

Out of a sudden, the smoker began clapping his hands, breaking me out of my impulsive reverie. Just when I thought I was slaying the con. "Bravo! What a brilliant performance! I admit you had me for a while there, daughter of an infamous con artist. Richard Valdez sure taught you well." He smirked at me cunningly as I glared back.

The principal's whole demeanour relaxed as he wiped the tears from his eyes with an Hermes handkerchief.

"What do you want from me?" I asked, my glare at the smoker unwavering.

"Do not question the decision of royalty, Clarissa. It was at his behest that I had to do such a sudden trip to the common area."

"His behest?"

"His Royal Highness' behest; that Clarissa Valdez is escorted back to the academy and begin her training as a court lady."

I fell on my knees with despair as I was left no choice but to act on my desperate attempt to flee. The knives strapped under my plaid skirt were ready at my disposal. But what he spoke of next halted my actions which would have been a bloody scenario if he had not spoken a second later.

"Your father also sends his regards."

My hand stopped from reaching my lethal weapon.

"My father, where is he?"

"Now, won't that be too easy for you? Your father strictly gave me instructions to forbade you from trying to find him because you will only waste your precious time. He said to play the game."

A smirk tugged at my dry lips.

Then play the game, I shall.

Princess on the Loose [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now