Author's note

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Before I proceed with the farewell and other important news about this book, I have questions for all of you. Please answer them. It would be really hepful. :)

1. Who's your favorite character and why?

2. Would you read this book again?

3. If it were published, would you buy the book?

4. What is your favorite chapter or scene?

5. How much do you rate this story in the scale of 1-10? (Don't worry I won't get mad if you rate it low. Just be honest and tell me why, I'd really appreciate it. XD)

And now for the sequel. I won't be making one because it's done and it would just drag the story. I also couldn't think of cool ideas for it. But, I can make special chapters. :)

So do tell me which character do you want me to write about. Do you want to hear about charming Prince Lucas and sweet Nessa, the perverted Prince Eric and emotionless Ria, or would you like to hear about the crazy Prince of fire and psychoness, Prince Jarvis? Comment on this section and I'll try to make a chapter for them.

Also I'll be making one special pov. of Gavier. Just tell me what chapter in the story would you like for me to write in his pov. Whichever chapter had the most demand then that's the chapter I'd willingly write. Omg! I think I'll be crossing my fingers the whole time. Gavier is so damn complicated. Even I don't know what goes in his head. But I'll try!

As for the publishing, I may be publishing this book someday. If you wanna keep tabs on that, just keep this book in your library or follow me. This book, from now on will be undergoing major editing. And I might add more scenes too in the story, particularly the ones you love. :3

And last but not the least. . . I WANT TO THANK YOU ALL FOR RIDING THIS JOURNEY WITH ME. It's very special as it was my first time to finish a book. I did write stories before but I never finished them. So I wouldn't have finished this book without you guys. So once again THANK YOU! :)

Omg, I think I'm crying. It feels so fuc*ing good to finish a book and I would really miss writing this and of course all of you. But our journey doesn't need to end here. Check out my other books: The Wild Search and My Devil Guardian. I'll be really grateful to still have you guys.

Anyway I hope to be a better writer for my readers. And I hope you enjoyed this book as much as I did writing it.

I love you guys!

I want to give special thanks to those who encouraged and supported me from the very start when this book still wasn't very popular till the end. @ZatannaCarille @zac86caz @Habzii @niallsgirl911 @gee519 @irha46 @chicagrande

And I want to thank my best buds: @EvangelineCasipit @Siddharta014 @Ericaradha @raslie07 @JABIHARI

Also those who were new and had commented in the story. I love you guys. Sorry if I didn't mention your names or I think this supposedly author's "note" would never end. Thank you forever.

I'll miss you guys a lot! *sniffs*

I hope we'll meet again in my other books. If not then thank you for loving, liking, living this story with me.

I love you, my wattpad family.

,Truly your crazy writer

Maya Crook

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