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Chapter 6


I inhaled in just as the maid clasped the tight corset over my waist. It has become a daily ritual now and I have become accustomed to being pampered and dressed up like a doll. I also have come to learn the maidens' names.

Rochelle is a brilliant stylist who takes apart beautiful gowns and mixes them up to make an entirely different dress. Flora is a professional make up artist and hairstylist who's a perfectionist and extremely meticulous. The shoe stylist, Amanda owns her own shoe company and has shares within big corporations such as Gucci, Louis Vuitton, channel and more.

"Lady Valdez, please turn around so I can see your backside, " Rochelle said as she held up her measuring tape. "I'm glad it's a perfect fit."

"Did you not sleep last night? Your face is all puffy and your eye bags aren't pleasant to look at either," Flora fussed and began to smear my face with foundation and concealer.

"I couldn't sleep last night, sorry." Because of a certain Crown Prince.

"Flora, of course she's nervous. It's Lady Valdez' first conference. Don't worry sweetheart, you'd do wonderful. They'll love you," the billionaire, Amanda sweetly encouraged.

"And if they don't, you have your friends here and us," Rochelle added, consoling me.

"Thank you so much. You guys are the best."

Flora pinched my cheek as she smiled, her avid and soft fingers adding a tint of blush on my cheekbones.

My silver dress was cuffed at my neck with a diamond brooch but not too high that it covered my whole neck which had been sprayed with a bottle of Goodnight Kiss Parfum. Half of my back was for show which they decorated with thin silver chains that could be clipped inside the dress to make it seem as a part of the gown. They then smeared my bare arms with shimmering unscented glitters and clasped my wrists and fingers with ornate bangles and huge rings. Lastly, they braided my hair and decorated it with miniature lotus flowers.

I gasped in the mirror, delighted to see the transformed woman staring back. "Wow, I look like an enchantress."

"Awesome, exactly our theme,"Amanda said with pride. "Here's some slip ons. The boots we ordered is already at your conference private room."

I hugged them all with a grateful heart which they hesitantly returned while saying they don't hug court ladies nor royalty. I told them that I see them as my fussy aunties and they laughed in return.

A royal guard then escorted me to a black and vibrantly polished limousine. Inside, the car interior was all velvet black and Prince Gavier was there; sitting malleably with a perfect posture. He wore a black mantle with silver undertones to match my dress. Gold and silver chains draped across his shoulders while gems and jewels were embedded on his mantle exuding a dewy glow. The top of his hair was gelled back, showing his noble forehead and chiselled features.

I sat at the far end of the limousine, speechless and looking away, anywhere—the moon, the sun, the stars—anywhere but the crown prince.

I could feel his burning stare at my back, his observant emerald eyes checking out every croon and corners of my body. I had never felt so vulnerable that I wanted to cover up.

"What is it?" I finally asked, courageously locking my eyes with his mysterious jaded ones.

"Are you annoyed?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

"Then the intended result is achieved," he said, his eyes mocking.

He was teasing me.

"You don't affect me," I lied.

"Sure you don't." There was a small smirk on his face. He's clearly enjoying this.

Aren't you? The banshee asked.
No freaking way.

"Yes, I'm not affected," I said, glaring at him.

"You look beautiful."

My face burned as I swallowed, faltering at his sudden compliment. "Y-you don't look so bad yourself."

"I know, I'm Prince Gavier," was his arrogant reply.

"Y-you're so—"




"No, so—"

"Great. Yes, I know that too. Stop saying what I already know, it's boring."

"Sofullofyourself," I said quickly.

"That's also part of the whole package." He moved closer, his finger glossing over my forearms to my bare shoulder and towards the nape of my neck. I shivered.

"Are you still unaffected?"

"I—no, you don't affect me," I lied again as my breathing hitched. His fingers now glossed over my jaw and towards my ear.

"Yet you are so responsive," he reiterated, his pupils dilated.

"S-stop." I weakly held away his hand which he interlocked with his fingers.

"It's your fault that I can't stop; not when you look like this," he said as he held my face with his other hand. He was going to kiss me.

The car doors were suddenly bolted open and lightning flashes of lights flooded in as choruses of royal highness and lady Clarissa Valdez bombarded the air.

"Perfect timing," the crown prince mumbled, laced with sarcasm before letting me go.

Royal guards escorted me side by side as we trudged our way through a myriad of townspeople.

The royal conference hall was as majestic as the palace only a lot smaller. The granite walls and towering pillars were in a shade of red almost making it look like bricks. The hallways covered in mauve draperies were gilded with glistening golden leaves. The most eye catching of them all though were the rustic tiles on the floor—all intricately detailed and waxed.

The private room had the same layout but with cozy maroon furnitures. A black box with boots inside was on a stool and I was delighted to see its classy exterior. The maidens surely know their craft.

There was a small knock at the door while a royal guard announced that I had three minutes to prepare for the conference. I quickly put on the leather thick heeled boots and revelled at how soft and comfortable it felt as it gloved my feet and ankles.

The crown prince was at my side once we made our way towards the main hall then a herald announced our names before we were ushered inside the conference hall with a throng of people with cameras. I blinked, still not used to the flashes and the attention. Haven't they had enough pictures?

We walked towards a long table that sat in front of them with two microphones on stands waiting for us.

During the walk over to the stand which I tried as daintily as I could, there was a snap from the brand new boots. Unbearable pain shot up, radiating from my unhealed ankle to my knees. I buckled, wanting to scream. I heard my bone crack, I felt it.

But it was too late to back away now. They would think that I got scared and ran away which would only make me look more guilty.

Yet the universe wasn't done yet, uncaring of my already dire situation.

"Her royal majesty, Queen Elizabeth!" The herald announced, confusing me and the prince.

I have heard of her from the royal princesses; that she was a busybody, a queen who lurks randomly at classes, and furthermore; the mother of princess Anastasia who's just as ruthless if not, more.

The gorgeous queen stole the spotlight in her ruby dress adorned with wisps of golden chiffon but what irked me more than her unsmiling face, was her devious eyes looking down at my injured ankle.

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