Chapter 20

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We went towards the small fortresses I was then pulled into Moran's chest and he pointed his gun ahead of us "Someone is coming."

We heard someone run then a scream of a child I rushed over with Fred.

The child panicked "It's alright we won't hurt you" Fred reassured him.

"My those wounds" I grimaced "A bear trap being used on a child."

"Its horrible" Fred agreed with me and helped the kid out of it.

Fred then got out some cloth and I wrapped it around the child's ankle gently so it doesn't add to his pain.

"Its unfortunate but this child is in no condition to walk so let's go on ahead" Louis went to walk.

"Mr Louis that's-!" Fred yelled.

"Our plan is to massacre all those cruel nobles not to save those children" Louis explained.

"So your are telling me to leave this kid here and keep going? I want to save them all" Fred informed him.

They started to argue and I looked to Moran he gave me a look to ask if he could "Go right ahead" I grinned.

He smirked and then pushed both of their heads down "You two enough we are saving all the children Louis I know your worried but William can handle himself and Fred please do speak up more its nice to hear your voice" I told them.

He blushed but then nodded his head slowly.

"Great we both support you listen this isn't their hunt it's ours" Moran added.

"But-" Louis saw me pouting at him he sighed "Okay we will bring him along."

"Thank you" I hugged Louis he was surprised but then ruffled my hair and moved it out of the way of my face as he smiled at me.

"Your my only weakness" He sighed.

I helped the child onto Fred's back.

As we walked I talked to the child and found out he was with six other children when he was brought here "You did well recalling that" Fred praised him.

"You always loved interacting with children" I commented.

Fred looked to me surprised "You may be quiet but I notice you how could I not?" I asked.

He blushed and looked down "You smile more when you look out a window at the scenery" He informed me meaning he watches me too I grinned.

"Hey the flirting game is our thing" Moran added annoyed and leaned his head on mine.

Louis then shot him a look and Moran moved back.

We then saw a child running from some man on a horse Moran went to shoot but they were moving to quickly and the trees got in the way.

I took the child off Fred's back "Go kill that rat please" I asked of him since I know he's the best at hunting others down.

Fred went off jumping from branch to branch to catch up quickly.

"Come on big bro will carry you," Moran told the kid and bent down so he could get onto his back.

"Big bro?" I asked.

"I don't have that name just because of my height" He smirked.

"What for then?" The kid asked making him blush madly.

I just howled with laughter how could I not "But is your friend going to be okay?" The child asked.

"He will be fine he is gentle too many but he will do anything to protect others" I reassured him.

Various x reader // Untouchable Flower (Yuukoku no Moriarty)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu