Chapter 28

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I noticed Sherlock eyeing up an envelope like I do with cake, it's also a little roughed up so he's been moving it about "Sherlock your pale" I spoke up.

"I just can't deal with my brother, anyway why are you with him?" Sherlock asked me.

"My family are occasionally relied upon by the queen, she's testing my capabilities as head to see if I'm worthy of the name Pandora" I explained.

Sherlock nodded "Your brother came in a government carriage and Lady Pandora is with him so does he have a high position?" Watson asked.

"That man is the government" Sherlock answered as he started to smoke a cigarette.

"His position is that important?" Watson gasped.

"Aww lets stop talking about my brother instead take this" Sherlock handed him a letter.

"I seen you been gazing at it Blue Rose, don't worry it isn't a love letter" Sherlock grinned at me.

"Oh, so you haven't got it yet?" I mumbled.

He panicked and fell out of his chair making me laugh "Sorry I was pulling your leg" I laughed behind my hand.

Sherlock was confused then laughed "Damn you got me back!"

Watson sighed and helped him up "Now read the letter" Sherlock instructed of him.

"No date or sender's name on it?" Watson opened it "Tonight at eight o'clock, a certain man will call upon you to consult a matter of the very deepest moment, your visitor will be wearing a mask but I humbly ask that you not take it amiss."

"What do you think?" Sherlock asked us.

"Very hush-hush I'm suspecting someone of very high standing like royalty" I answered.

"I agree this is peculiarly fine paper could not be had for less than half a crown and this is a man's handwriting" Watson nodded.

"You see? You can do it if you try" Sherlock praised him "You are right about the peculiarly part, hold it up to the light."

Watson did just that by the window "Are these the initials of the paper mill?" Watson asked.

"The Pgt is German for Papiergesellschaft it means-" Sherlock went to explain.

"Paper company" I spoke up as I ate the last of my cake.

Sherlock grinned at me impressed, I have learned some languages. Louis liked to teach me what he has learned every time he came back from university it was cute how excitable he was.

"And the Eg probably stands for Egria a city in the German-speaking region of Bohemia" Sherlock finished explaining.

"So the man who sent this letter is a masked German from the Kingdom of Bohemia" Watson speculated.

I'm guessing that's not true at all no high nobility would not be foolish enough to send a letter with a company on the paper especially since they seem desperate.

"Well I need to go I still have some things to do" I got up "Good luck with the client."

"Beware of men especially my brother!" Sherlock yelled to me as I went down the stairs making me laugh and Watson sigh.

"Hope to see you soon" Watson waved to me as I went out the front door.

"I can't stay away for long" I admitted making his grin get big but he also grew shyer.

I got to the carriage "What kept you?" Mycroft immediately questioned me as he held his hand out.

"My support left me it was difficult those stairs" I joked as he helped me in.

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