13 ~ The Taste of Begum's Blood

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Sultan POV

I was walking towards the Royal Court for some work. I was quite happy as the day was ahead. I was waiting for it for a very long. Finally, I could see some light of hope in my dream. Finally, I was confident about my plan for Vishaka.

I knew that Rajvardhan was someone who likes ladies. There was no chance that he wouldn't fall for our Vishaka. She was milky white. Her body had the best curves. Her skin was like rubber, which could easily make any man go crazy for her.

I was so happy that I could easily imagine myself stepping on Hind's thrown. I could easily imagine myself travelling both the Empire's time to time. I giggled a little. By the time I reached the courtroom, I ordered a drink for everyone present. I was feeling happy.

Suddenly, I remembered that I still hadn't sent that letter to Murat. 

I quickly placed the glass back on the table which I was holding. I stood up from the couch and moved back to the chamber.

I crossed the galleries, gardens and in a short span of time reached my chamber. I entered my chamber and my sight fell on Begum Sahiba who were roaming in the chamber from here and there. Her fingers were trembling and I could sense that she was in the middle of thoughts.

"What happened, Begum Sahiba"

She shivered suddenly and looked at me.

I could see the fear in her eyes, I thinned my eyebrows as I didn't know what happened.

"Are you tensed?" I asked.

"No" She replied instantly.

"Have you ate your breakfast?" I asked concerning her health.

She quickly nodded her head.

I didn't know what was she up to but it was weird. I brought my focus back to the work for which I came running here.

I quickly sat on the couch near the table and lowered my hand to open the letters compartment. My hand reached the hook and I opened it. I quickly brought out the letters and then took them out.

 I searched for that particular letter and called Nagma.

"Nagma" I called.

She came running quickly and said.

"Jii Sultan, Farmaiye"

"Yes Sultan, Tell me"

"Nagma, Ask someone to give this letter to Murat" I ordered.

Suddenly, her face changed colour. She weirdly looked at Begum Sahiba and I followed her sight. Then she quickly looked back at me.

"Sure, Sultan"

She took the letter and went from there.

I placed all the letters back and went back to the Royal court to proceed with the hearings.

I started walked back to the court and walking through the gallery and then suddenly a male attendee came running to me.

"Sultan, Sultan"

He was one of those who were aware of how much Vishaka was important to me. 

"Sultan, Murat... Murat..." He was struggling to breathe badly as he came running.

"What happened to Murat?" I asked thinning my eyebrows.

"Sultan, Murat killed Vishakha," He said finally.

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