Moms and Qualms

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Vincent and Lucas had exchanged very few words since his last game. Prior to the game, Vincent had brought over the majority of his things, living there effectively until he got the official okay from his mother, and he was glad because he would have hated to leave Lucas in such a state.

Vincent sat on the couch, enraptured by a text book for one of his classes. Surrounding him on the floor was a mess of index cards and highlighters, the wake of a good student. Lucas, too sat on a chair across the room from Vincent, himself reading a book to occupy his time. Vincent looked up from his studies and eyed Lucas from his seat. He longed to hear his voice, to feel his hands once again, to be together again.

"What?" Lucas asked, after catching Vincent's eyes.

"Why won't you tell me what's wrong?" Vincent asked, and Lucas made no response, letting the silence create a void.

"It's not your concern really... please don't worry about it."

"Your concerns are my concerns.. your problems my problems." Vincent stood and knelt before Lucas' chair, attempting to hold eye contact as Lucas looked back down at his book. "You always get annoyed when I won't share my struggles with you."

"That's different."


"Because I'm me.. and you're you."

"Lucas." Vincent rolled his eyes. "Please just tell me. I can't focus until I know."

"Fine..." Lucas sighed, laying his book across his lap. "I'm just... I'm upset about the accident."

"We didn't get into an accident?" Vincent's brow furrowed. "Did you get into an accident and not tell me?"

"No! The other day."

"That wasn't an accident." Vincent assured. "It was a close call, that's not the same thing. The car's fine."

"I don't care about the damn care." Lucas' face turned serious.

"Lucas, we're fine."

"I don't care about me. I care about you. I put you in danger because I was careless. I should've.. I should've been paying closer attention." Lucas explained.

"Lucas, that wasn't for fault. It was nobodies fault. Sometimes things happen."

"No. Not when you're in the car. They can't just happen.. I could've.. I don''t want to lose you." Lucas looked up, green eyes filled with sadness.

"Look at me." Vincent chuckled and took Lucas' hand into his own. "I'm fine. I'm perfect. Not a hair on my head was harmed, and even if it had been, it wouldn't have been your fault."

"Nothing happened, but it could have."

"But it didn't. That's the important part. I'm okay, and you're okay, and everyone is okay."

"I just... I don't want to lose you... now that I've gotten you.. after all these years. I can't lose you."

"Lucas." Vincent pleaded. "It was really not a big deal. You're blowing this out of proportion. Everyone, and everything is fine. I'm not going anywhere. I promise you that. I'm not going anywhere for a long long time."


"Lucas, I love you, okay?" Vincent kissed him. "I love you. I love everything about you, and I don't want to see you upset, I just want you to be happy... can't you try? Try to be happy with me?"

"If you're with me, I can." Lucas resumed the kiss after his words. Going a few days without touching made all of their senses heightened infinitely more, everything felt like it was elevated to another level. Lucas stood up, taking Vincent with him, and pulled him back to the couch. There, Lucas positioned himself to be above Vincent his arm propping him up higher as they laid on the couch. Their movements became slower, and Vincent reached up to kiss Lucas, grabbing his bottom lip gently between his teeth, hesitate to let it go.

"I hope we never have to be apart again." Vincent whispered. Lucas opened his mouth to answer, but Vincent closed the gap between them, kissing the boy again. Lucas chuckled against his lips, as if to suggest his agreement was spoken for. "I wish I'd known sooner, we could have been doing this the whole time."

"I don't."


"It was torture for me to want you, but it just makes it that much better that now I've got you. I like our story, I like how things worked out for us." Lucas explained.

"I'm glad, but I'm still sorry for making you wait."

"It's strange.. my whole life has been dedicated to getting you.. you've always been my goal, I guess I need to find a new goal now."

"What do you mean?"

"Well.." Lucas chuckled. "I.. I joined soccer because I thought you'd like me better if I was athletic. I lifted at the gym because I thought you'd like me better if I was strong. I lost weight, I changed my hair, how I dressed. I tried to track things you liked, people you seemed to show interest in... things I knew girls liked, and hoped you liked too."

"I would have loved you all the same without those things."

"I'm glad.. but along the way I realized I liked pushing myself. I like how I feel. I like feeling in shape."

"You like being gorgeous?"

Lucas smiled bashfully, hiding his face in his sleeve.

"I don't think I'm... anything, but I would... I would love it if you thought that." Lucas looked anywhere but Vincent, still the shy kid he'd always been.

"I do... and most people do. I wish you could see yourself the way I do.. even the way the girls do.. though I'd wager they miss what's inside, and that's what matters a thousand times more."

"Well I think I'm pretty alright with what's inside." Lucas chuckled.

"I wish there was something I could do for you. I wish I could... I could change to be the way you want..." Vincent trailed off.

"I wouldn't change a thing." Lucas stated. "I love everything about you exactly as you are. I don't want you to worry about changing at all. Don't ever change."

"I love you." Vincent wrapped his arms around Lucas' head and pulled he boy down on top of his chest. Lucas' weight was heavy, but Vincent liked the feeling of them being so close together, liked the feeling of Lucas' body so close to his own. He buried his head in Lucas' hair and kissed his head affectionately.

Lucas snaked his arms under Vincent's waist, tugging himself even closer to Vincent. No matter what happened, Vincent offered Lucas a comforting light. His ear laid close on Vincent's chest and he found he liked the rhythm of Vincent's beating heart. Lucas sighed contentedly. All the glory of college soccer, the rush of getting a good grade, or the smile of approval he wished he could get from his parents would never feel as good or as right as him laying with Vincent. Nothing felt better; nothing fit better. It was a perfect match.

Thumping came from the front door towards the kitchen, and Lucas propped himself up to look over. The thumping continued and Lucas looked back to Vincent with a confused look. They weren't expecting anyone, nor would they really have anyone to expect. In a flash there was a foreign jingle of metal and the door popped open, causing Lucas and Vincent to tumble onto the floor, trying to get out of their compromised position.

"Lucas?" A stern female voice called. "It's mother, come give me a hug."

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