Love and Decor

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"I just can't get over how big Lucas has gotten" Ms. Chance remarked for what felt like the hundredth time. "You know, we haven't seen him since middle school-- there's something about that year between high school and college for boys-- they come back as men."

"hmm?" Vincent sounded, paying half attention as he walked through the rows of trees.

"I knew your father well too. It was that summer that I fell in love with him. It's just something in men. You're not ever quite sure what, but it's just different. I suppose there's a little less in their cheeks, and a little more in their shoulders, and oh the neck thickens out a little bit, but it's more than that. It's attitude and posture. It's just a change that says, I'm not a little boy anymore." She explained.

"Of course Dad still acts like a little boy." Vincent chuckled.

"That he does, but not Lucas." Ms. Chance smiled and she looked at a particularly full green tree. "Such a sense of responsibility in that boy. I was worried too, his family is so wealthy, and money almost always corrupts children. Not Lucas thought, he was pure as an angel since the day we met him."

"He was." Vincent agreed with a smile.

"He used to love spending time at our house... sometimes I wondered if he liked it better even then his own." She smiled wistfully. "Those were some of the best years, you were so little back then, maybe you don't even remember."

"I remember some."

"Good, I hope you do." Ms. Chance nodded to herself. "You know he always was so fond of you, he was older, but he looked up to you--- I'd always catch him trying to mimic your actions or the way you sat. Once-" Ms. Chance stopped to hold a laugh. "Once I walked in to find him all dressed in your clothes... you'd gone to the bathroom or something and he had gotten all dressed up in your clothing... he just wanted to please you, still does-- if you ask me."

Vincent nodded silently. He knew it was true, Lucas had told him as much. The boy had loved him for his whole life. Vincent didn't know how he could ever return that will.

"That's why I was so flustered when you suddenly didn't get one anymore... I know children go through these things, but I could see it in his eyes that he'd do anything to keep you. But you're so stubborn."

"Mom!" Vincent groaned, not ready for the fit of criticism that usually followed her calling out his stubbornness.

"It's alright Vincent, you get that from me." She smiled. "The first step to managing it is realizing you have a problem. I think you've come a long way since the beginning of this year. You've done a lot of growing up--- a mother can always tell. I think the same things happened to you since high school. You're a man now. My little man." She looked away to prevent him from seeing any further. She wasn't in tears, but close. To a mother without a husband her son was everything.

"Thank you mom." Vincent pulled her into a hug.

"I'm moving back with you!" She cried.

"You can't. You've got work here." Vincent smiled fondly.

"You're right.. you've let Lucas take care of you, that's all I really wanted. I'm just so glad. So very glad, but Vincent... you know he won't wait around for ever, don't you?"

"Excuse me?" Vincent asked.

"Even you can't deny he loves you anymore, Vincent. When his mother told me she thought he might have a little crush on you, I didn't believe her. I thought she was projecting and being paranoid, but it's true. Clear as day."

"What are you talking about?" Vincent frowned.

"He's in love with you, I can see it in the way he looks at you-- it's glowing off of him. And... I wasn't sure... I was never sure, but I saw it yesterday. You love him too!"

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