Goodbyes and Cheap Highs

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     "Hey Vincent!" Dustin called as Vincent left the bathroom. The rest of the group stared w see at him as well. The movie played behind them, but Vincent could tell the group had all been wondering what was taking him and Marty so long in the bathroom.

"We need to go. Now." Vincent stated urgently, walking over to Dustin.

"Can't we just finish the movie?" Dustin pleaded.

"No. Come on." Vinny started towards the door, and he heard Dustin quickly saying goodbye to everyone. Lucas wasn't with the group, so Vinny had nobody he wanted to say goodbye to.

Once they reached the ground floor they heard commotion coming from outside, but when the got there all they saw was a cherry red car pulling away and Lucas standing disheveled on the sidewalk.

"Lucas?" Vinny walked up to the boy, "Is something wrong."

Lucas made a funny look as if he was going to be sick. "No." He stated. "You're we not leaving, are you?"

"Yeah... I've got homework.. and we should be going."

"Hey Lucas, sorry we have to take off, great party though." Dustin walked over and shook Lucas' hand before going and getting in the car. Vincent lingered slightly behind.

"Come on... I want you to stay." Lucas brushed his hand over Vincent's, letting it fall right back. "Forget your homework... I could drive you home, or.. or you could stay the night again."

"I wish I could Lucas... but I've really got to go. I'll see you in class, alright?" Vinny stated. He was too tired and upset to spend the rest of the night with that group of people, even if Marty had left. "When do you want me to bring you back your jersey?"

     "Keep it. I've got an extra one anyway. Besides if you're going to come to all my games you'll need a jersey.... You are still coming to my games, right?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"No reason... I like that you have one of my jerseys. It looks good on you." He said with a half smile.

     "Thank you." Vinny smiled back. Lucas' eyes lingered for a moment. "You look good too."

     "In the Jersey?"

"No... just in general... college suits you." Vinny mumbled through pink cheeks.

"College suits you too." Lucas said pushing a stray red hair off Vincent's forehead. Vinny's pink turned to a deep red.  "I'll be looking for you at the next game.

     "I'll be there ..." Hopefully. Vinny shifted his gaze down at their shoes. Vincent had white converse on, and Lucas had a pair of white and black sneakers Nike high tops. Lucas' feet must have been at least double the size of Vincent's, judging by the difference in the shoe length. "Looking for you too."

     "Hmm.." Lucas hummed in low voice. "Why're doing this to me Vincent?"

     "Doing what?" Vincent's brows furrowed.

     "Goodbye Vinny." Lucas said and turned around going straight back into the house. Vincent stood there for a moment dumbfounded. When he finally got into the car Dustin was staring.

     "What?" Vincent asked.

     "Nothing." He said shrugging his shoulders and turning to the wheel.


Hailz <3: want to meet at the cafe on campus?

     Vincent received a text from Hailey, and he smiled to himself. Stuff with Marty had been so difficult and he wanted something to take mind off of things. Hailey had risen to the occasion. The campus cafe was not far from the dorms, and that meant that Hailey didn't need to pick Vincent up, because he could just walk over himself.

     "Hey there, stranger." Hailey greeted as she met Vincent at a table. "It feels like we haven't hung out in forever." Hailey grinned. "What are you going to get?"

     "I don't know.. probably tea." Vinny replied simply.

     "You got tea last time."

     "I've been liking it especially lately." Vinny said, as they sat down at their table with their drinks. Hailey had gotten an americano, because it was cheap, and high in caffeine.

     "How was Lucas' house the other day? I forgot to ask you about it." Hailey asked.

     "It was... weird."

"Why? We're things weird with Lucas again? Are you fighting with him." Hailey questioned.

"No. Not at all. Lucas was perfect, great. It was Marty."

"My Marty?" Hailey asked. "Marty was at the party."

"Yeah. Marty and Lucas are friends, so Lucas invited him. Did I tell you he drove us home from Ryan's party?"


"He drove me home and he was 'I'm only doing for Lucas.. don't you dare hurt Lucas.' It was so annoying. As if I would hurt Lucas." Vincent scoffed. "So anyway he was there again today."


"And he dumped his drink on me and told me I better stay away from Lucas or he'll make me." Vincent explained.

"So what's your plan?"

"What do you mean what's my plan? I don't have a plan," Vincent narrowed his eyes.

"What if he tries to hurt you? Are you prepared for that," Hailey suggested.

"I don't think he'll actually hurt me," Vincent shrugged.

"Well are you?"

"Am I what?" Vinny questioned.

"Are you going to stay away from Lucas?"

"No. Of course not."

"Good." Hailey cheered. "Don't let him scare you. How dare he try to do that. Lucas can hang out with whoever he wants."

"Right?" Vinny agreed.

"Right." Hailey stated, before grimacing as she took a sip of her coffee. "Ew this is really gross." She then took another sip.

    "Why'd you get it then?"

    "It's cheap, besides I need the caffeine." Hailey took large gulp of the drink, almost gagging as it went down. "I was up doing Ryan's homework last night."

     "You're still doing that?" Vincent hoped Hailey would have stopped doing that on her own, but clearly that wasn't the case.

     "It's fine, why?"

    "It's just.. It seems like he might be using you.." Vinny mused.

"Using me?"

"I mean he asked for homework."

    "You think he wouldn't like me, just for me?" Hailey demanded.

    "I didn't say that. I just don't think you should be doing his homework."

    "HE WAS BUSY. Just stay out of it Vincent. I'm perfectly capable of handling it on my own."

    "Alright." Vinny held up his hands in surrender, "I'm sorry. The last thing I wanted to do was upset you."

     "Yeah? Well you did."

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