Aiden - Five

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5 – Aiden

2 Years Ago (20)


Out riding with the guys, where I'm just alone with my thoughts minus the Sena that's connecting all Nine of us, to be able to talk through our helmets. It doesn't connect my friend Ryleigh or any of the other backpack, passenger riders. Ryleigh is a girl we all grew up with, she and I became close and she likes riding. I don't mind having someone on the back of my bike. Kase has his wife, and Ethan and Gabe both have some random chick. All of us talking gets a little hectic but it is for sure always entertaining.

"Yo, Dylan's ass looking might fine from back here." Jordan stated and everyone laughed.

"I can hear you jackass." Dylan laughed.

"I can kill you in your sleep douchebag." Cole, that man was in love with his best friend Dylan but there was a problem, he was married to the fucking devil. Like pretty confident she really is the devil, or like the devil's kid...because she was horrible. We're lucky when we get to even see Cole for more than 5 minutes outside of work.

"She's single though right? Asking for a friend." Gabe said laughing.

"I will kill you." Cole spat back.

"Oh Coley, stop it." Dylan giggled.

"You know my favorite part of ridin' with y'all is this shit." Hayes one of our newest buddies said shaking his head next to me at the light we were stuck at. He started working with Cole and I a few weeks back, he's actually riding one of Cole's bikes because he doesn't have his own.

"Are you sure it ain't the R6 that you're on, and you don't have to pay for?" Jensen said laughing.

"I mean that part I like too. Sorry Cole." Hayes said back with a laugh.

"Yo, are we getting food because like I'm fucking hungry. Ashlyn keeps smacking my helmet cause she is too." Jensen basically yelled. Ryleigh had her hands on my shoulders rubbing them, the light turned green, her arms went back around my waist as we all took off.

"Cole, I don't think the tank is your seat." I started laughing.

"I can still reach the controls; this isn't where I'm supposed to sit?" Cole answered laughing, he was sitting on the gas tank. I tapped Ryleigh's leg and she held on tighter around my waist so I popped a wheelie past Cole. "Show off."

"FOOD!" Jensen yelled. "You're going to get that poor girl hurt Aiden."

"I'm a professional. She knows what she signed up for." I stated after I put the front wheel back down, now leading the pack.

"A professional idiot." Dylan giggled.

"TURN!" Jensen yelled and all of us started laughing as I hooked the right turn in the parking lot we were heading to. I came to a stop and waited for Ryleigh to hop off before heading over to the empty lot next to the place, and started doing some wheelies and stoppies and even a few rolling burnouts. Cole, Kase, and Jordan all joined me, we all grew up together riding so this was normal for us.

"Yo! That was fucking sick Aiden!" I laughed at Gabe.


"Did you legit just wheelie to stoppie like what the fuck how?" Gabe asked and the rest of the guys stopped riding and looked over at me rolling through another donut burnout. I realized they were all watching instead of riding.

"What? Why'd y'all stop?" I asked.

"We want to see it dumbass." Jordan laughed. I shrugged and took off down the parking lot, turned around, popped a wheelie into a 360 landing on the front tire before letting the back tire back down.

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