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The days of being nice are over.

You might be asking me: Oh Anna what brought this on? Well I'll tell you what the hell brought this on. Those damn mates of mine haven't been seen all day. Here I am, stuck with our child and his mate who may as well be my daughter, without food. Irresponsible little immortal shits-

"Momma, where are my dads?" You know I wish I knew the answer to that, honey, but it seems that they've forfeited all parental responsibility to which they throw that onto their mate. What kind of woman do they think I am? A housewife? Hell no! I swear if I had Rose or Jasper here I would have them knock some sense into them. "Momma, are you mad at them? You look like you're gonna blow a fuse any second. Do you need more blood? Is that where they are?"

There are moments as a parent that you will experience. When your child is asking for their father, or fathers in my case, and you don't know. The child is smart enough (bless his soul) to know that something is wrong but you can't vent to your child about the issues with their father because that would be terrible and inappropriate. Helios knows something's up and he knows the cause of it, but can he do anything? No, not unless he decides to get out of the house for a while and find his dads. He would drag them back home if he did find them, but I don't know if they would appreciate their mate sending a 13 year old out on that quest for food and Volturi kings.

"Have you tried texting them yet?" I nodded. My son sighed and curled himself up on my chest like he often did when I got overwhelmed or upset. "Well then you did your job. If my dads are being stupid then there's nothing you can do about it. They can be stupid, I know that. Hopefully they come home soon so you can hit them on the head. After you do that you'll fulfill that other step I can't figure out and then - BOOM - all better."

Oh if only it were that easy, I thought. My mates, as wonderful as they are, have a habit of keeping me out of the loop. That's been amplified with this trip. I love their surprises, but they drag on the surprise part out too long. I know that they're planning something together, but I can't pinpoint what it's about. Are they taking me out to a private island? That wouldn't make much sense. Who would care for the kids? Those two still want me to bring blood to them. I get it. Lazy teenage years. Better to not push them. They'll resent me later if I do. They don't get a long enough childhood anyways.

Now I have to step up my game with those three. After everything that we've gone through these past few months, I deserve more than sneaking off to God knows where. Did they think that now Maeve is keeping me company that they can shimmy on out and explore their former homeland? Probably, knowing Aro and Caius. Idiots, both of them sometimes. Although I would expect more from Marcus. My sweet, understanding Marcus. He's supposed to reel those two in when they're drunk or just being stupid.

"Wait," I realized what my son just said to me suddenly, "what do you mean by the other step you can't figure out? What do you think we do...." He gave me an innocent look of confusion and shrugged. "Oh... Oh no. Just don't think about that. Mate things. Adult mate things. Don't you have homework you need to do? It may be summer, but I was sure your fathers assigned summer reading. Are you caught up on that," I quickly changed the subject to hide my embarrassment. He's thirteen, he doesn't need to know that stuff about mates yet. He's barely 5"5!

"Honestly, I don't think I need to do that right now. I can read a book in five minutes."

"You were assigned 200 books. That's hours of reading. It's July, Helios. You have school starting in August!" Procrastination at it's finest. Even vampires aren't immune to it, clearly. "Get a few books done while I find those pesky kings you have as fathers." Helios giggled at me as I pushed him into his room. "Now, read to Anora as well. She likes the stories you read to her. Be a good mate. I'll be back once I find those buggers."

𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐃 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒, Volturi KingsWhere stories live. Discover now