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The baby in the middle of the snow let out a giggle as it tried to crawl towards my son. What is this? How did this woman...this baby?

Helios ran towards them, picking them up in his arms and made sure that they were alright. Marcus took a step back as his eyes glazed over, supposedly checking whatever bond was connecting them.

"A child," Caius whispered, looking at the baby and our son, who was fawning over that same child like he was its mother. "Good lord, someone gave birth in the middle of the forest. In the middle of winter. Heelie, let us see-"

"No!" Our son shouted, keeping the baby to himself. "Don't hurt her!"

"We aren't going to hurt her, Heelie, just let us see your mate," Marcus tried to placate our son, who wasn't having any of it, keeping the young child wrapped in his coat. The sudden realization of what my mate had actually said about the child hit me when Aro took a step in their direction and Helios let out a feral screech in defiance. Our son wasn't defiant and never had been. This behavior was completely alien to his usual easy going nature.

"Son, I am not going to hurt her or try and take her from you," Aro's voice sounded almost like a plea to just see the child before our son got even hissier with her. "Her heartbeat is like yours. A hybrid child."

"Baby," I croon out, trying to not get too close to either of them, "It's okay. I know that your bond is strong, just let Mamma see the little one. She's probably cold."

"Mamma," my son whined out, nuzzling his head into his mate's small body. "She wanted to meet me, mamma, that's why she pulled me."

"I know, baby," I nod in understanding, just wanting my son to come back to us. An overprotective mate was not uncommon, but he was young and likely didn't know how to handle the bond like his parents did. Hell, I was at least 17 when I met my mates, he was only 6 months old. Just don't be upset. Please don't be upset, baby. "Can I help you?"

Heelie reluctantly nodded, letting me move beside him and his newborn mate. I smiled at my son before removing the cloak from her face, now able to look into her bright green eyes. Turning to where her dead mother laid, I saw the resemblance instantly. She was a spitting image of the deceased woman, the same whitish hair and green eyes belonging to both. Who knocked up a human? Who could have done this? How did she get out here in the woods when she looks so...gaunt?

"She can't be but twenty minutes old," I realize, "How did she call out to you? She physically pulled you here but she couldn't have had any knowledge of the bonds...unless..."

"Helios' bonds were lighting up in a way I have never seen before," Marcus explains. "It could be a gift. That would mean that either the mother had a chance at being gifted or the father was. Unfortunately Aro cannot....see who did this to her, as she is already passed on. The little one's memories may hold more explanation."

"Daddy," Aro looked at our son as he called out to him, "Can you?"

"Of course, Heelie," my mate says as he moves towards us. Taking a look at the little baby in our son's arms, he places a pale hand on her cheek and allows his eyes to glaze over, revealing her memories. A mere seconds later he nods, kissing Helios' head. "She is gifted. It seems that she was able to physically pull the bonds to force her mate to come to her. The extent of her gift remains unknown, but she was confused and pulled at the only live bond she had. Since her mother was already dead, she felt like she needed help and called our son."

"So she can see the bonds like Marcus?" Caius questions, looking at the little blonde baby. God, she's so damn cute. Stop smiling like that, you're making me less mad that you almost restarted my heart just to give me a heart attack. Damnit, I can't be upset with a little hybrid child. Nobody can. You're lucky you're my son's mate.

𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐃 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒, Volturi KingsWhere stories live. Discover now