Chapter 9 - Flashback

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Half of the avengers had been called out by Fury on a mission including Natasha, Clint, Sam, and Steve which only left Tony, Wanda, Bruce, vision, and the teenagers at the tower which relieved Seven. Five avengers were much easier to be around than all of them, especially considering that basically none of them liked her.

Currently, it was Tuesday and Peter had stayed off school so he could make sure Seven was okay but Tony wanted him to go back.

"Can't I just stay back one more day? I'm so ahead in my classes that it won't make a difference" Peter pleaded. The six of them were seated around their massive dining table, Seven sat as far away from everyone as she could, having Peter on one side and an empty chair on the other.

"I'm sorry Pete but Pepper wants you to go back for your attendance, I'm not going to argue with her" Peter huffed and went back to eating his pasta in silence, the rest of the avengers resuming the conversation. 

Seven had no clue who Pepper was but assumed it was Tony's girlfriend, she was away in Germany apparently sorting out the company, which she also had no clue about. Seven turned to Peter, talking only so he would hear "I'll be fine, don't worry about me" she smiled at him and grabbed his hand, making him smile. "I'm stuck in my room anyway so you really don't have to worry".

Peter knew she would be okay but he was still worried for her, ever since he had heard about her episode he wanted to make sure she was okay and wouldn't have one again. 

Seven didn't really know what had happened in the cell but knew she definitely didn't want it to happen again, it wasn't exactly a nice experience. 

After they had all finished eating, Peter and Seven left the kitchen and headed towards her bedroom. No one had tried to talk to her but she didn't mind at all, it was easy for her not to have to talk to them and Tony was still mad at her, refusing to even look her way. She didn't know what she had done to personally victimize him but figured that he was just a very dramatic person. 

Seven listened to Peter talk as they sat back down on her bed, he liked to talk a lot, about everything. She didn't mind though as it worked, he talked and she listened, only ever joining in when he asked her something. 

Peter wanted to ask about her episode in the cell and what had caused it but figured that she definitely didn't want to talk about it and decided to leave it for now, telling her about Lego instead. 

"How have you never played with Lego?!" He exclaimed, completely shocked once again at the lack of knowledge she had about things he considered normal.

"I just never had it as a kid" 

She wasn't going to tell these people about her childhood just yet, definitely not.

The door opened, interrupting Peter from his rant about how he was going to make her play Legos with him. Tony walked in, still refusing to talk to Seven. 

"Time for bed Kid." He said, motioning for Peter to get up.

"But it's only 10 pm?" Peter stated, quizzically.

"You have school tomorrow, come on let's go." Peter sighed and got up, begrudgingly walking towards the door.

"Goodnight Ven" Seven smiled and waved a little before both guys had left, Tony basically slamming the door behind them, leaving her on her own. 

Seven stood up from her place, deciding to take a shower before she went to sleep, walking to her closet where all her new clothes were. She didn't think it was necessary for her to get a whole new wardrobe but apparently, that was what happened around here and she wasn't going to protest, she had never seen this many clothes in her life.

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