Chapter 56 - "Welcome home"

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A.N: Hey everyone! Thank you so much for reading this if you've been waiting for ages (in that case I'm sorry), or if you're new tysm too. This story is at 488K reads which is so insane I cannot even begin to wrap my head around it. A huge huge thank you again to literally anyone who reads, comments, or likes the chapters and especially thank you to those who are so patient as these come out randomly and rarely. I appreciate you all so much and the support there's been throughout this whole thing. <3


Seven knew she needed a plan, and fast. There were two men in her school who wanted to take her back to Ivan and she couldn't let it happen, she was where she was supposed to be now, this was her home. She also needed to find Peter and make sure he hadn't been injured, shot, or caught.

"Okay, okay, okay" Seven muttered to herself, pacing back and forth. She checked the time on her phone which read 2:22 pm, meaning they only had half an hour to get the men out and keep themselves safe. She took a quick screenshot of the time before tucking her phone back into her pocket.

She began walking back in the direction she had come from and soon that walk turned into a sprint until she reached Mrs Winchester's desk. There was no sign of the two men or Peter, only bloodstains on the floor and the shell of the bullet she had shot. She quickly pocketed the shell and took off running once more.

Seven saw flashes of faces as she ran down the corridor. She peered through the small glass slit in the doors, looking briefly at the faces of her peers, some faces she recognised and some she didn't but she didn't want to think about the number of kids who may not make it home if she didn't do something. 

She didn't stop running until she got to the cafeteria and even then it was involuntary as she had gone crashing to the floor after tripping over a foot sticking out into the doorway. Before her face could smash against the ground she was grabbed and pulled back into a pair of arms. The redhead swivelled around and met Peter's eyes who were pained, she immediately smelt the familiar scent of blood and she realised it was Peter who was bleeding. 

"Peter? What happened?" she asked, concerned. 

"The tall one stabbed me and then they took off running to find you" He attempted a smile but it didn't quite meet his eyes. "I've wrapped it already Ven and I'll be okay in a few minutes, good enough to run at least" He began reassuring her while they sat still tangled in the doorway.

"I can just heal you Pete" She reminded him, remembering to keep her voice low.

"No, you need to save your energy" He protested and she sighed.

"Okay," She nodded, "Then we wait a few minutes"

"We can't just sit here with no protection Seven, we're sitting ducks" He argued.

"I know" She nodded and untangled their limbs so she could stand up. She walked behind him and pulled him by his underarms so he was more out of sight. "Here" She lifted her shirt and passed him the gun from her belt.

"I can't take this" He argued, "then you have nothing"

"Nonsense" She shook her head, lifting her palm and creating a small breeze that blew his hair back and made his eyelids flutter. 

"Okay fine, I'll meet up with you outside Tech in five, message me if you have any developments," He said and she agreed.

"See you in a minute Pete" She flashed a smile at him before turning and running to the other side of the cafeteria so she could leave.

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