Chapter 32 - An eventful patrol

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"You met Nick Fury?" Peter asked in amazement as he turned to look at the girl. The two teenagers sat on one of the largest buildings in Queens, their legs dangling over the edge.

"Yeah?" Seven shrugged, "You haven't?"

"I mean I have" Peter carried on, "But I didn't meet him for at least a year of me being spider-man"

"I guess I'm just cooler than you then" Seven laughed and Peter watched her, completely captivated by the sound of her laugh.

"Sure you are Ven" He teased playfully, "Why were you even there?"

"Nat wanted to see if he could get my last name changed" She answered.

"To Romanoff?"  Peter asked.

Seven nodded and Peter smiled at her beneath his mask. Yet again the girl sat in front of him was nothing like the girl he first met, or even the one from a week ago. This Seven seemed more carefree and optimistic, he was glad to see the changes even if they weren't all too significant.

The two young heroes were patrolling Queens in their suits when they decided to take a short break, neither of them spotting any crime they had to stop hence why they were currently sat on a rooftop. 

"I never knew how much I was missing out on all those years" Seven looked over at the lit-up city, admiring each building she could see. "It's breathtaking" She commented, the view from so high up amazing her.

"It truly is" Peter agreed while dragging his eyes from where he had been looking at Seven to the New York City skyline.

After a brief moment of silence, the sound of a window being smashed could be heard in the distance and Peter leapt up, surveying the City from where the noise came from. 

Seven sighed dramatically and held a hand up so Peter could pull her to her feet. "No rest today," Seven remarked and Peter nodded exhaustedly.

"I'm afraid this is what patrol is always like," Peter told her and Seven smiled sympathetically even though he couldn't see it underneath her mask. She knew exactly how hard Peter worked to protect his city.

"At least you aren't always doing it alone now," Seven remarked optimistically and Peter nodded,

"That is relieving" Peter agreed, "Karen, has the location been pinpointed?" He asked and Seven knew that he was talking to his AI.

Seven stood silently as Peter listened to his AI feedback the information they would need before he turned back to look at her and she assumed Karen was done speaking. 

"Seems like a bank robbery, four hostages have been detected and the street cams picked up firearms" Seven's eyes widened as she listened, hostages were one thing but when guns were involved things could become very messy very fast. Plus today it was just them, no other avengers to rely on.

"O-okay" Seven breathed before reminding herself how capable they both were."Shall we get going or what?" She smirked and Peter who shot out a web onto a nearby building.

"Follow me" Peter spoke with a grin before he was whisked away and Seven ran along the rooftop of the building in the same direction, leaping off the edge of the building and feeling the familiar sensation of the air bending and catching around her which propelled her forward.

Seven loved the feeling of gliding through the air. She wasn't relying on any object like Peter was, if his webs broke he would probably fall to his demise. Seven found peace knowing she was only relying on herself to keep herself flying, she had only relied on herself for the last fourteen years so really this was no difference. 

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