77 | Morning person

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Thank you @Jj.sshi for the poster. It speaks for itself ;)

Chapter 77: Morning person

I opened my eyes to a warm pair of arms wrapped around me. The warmth of his body kept the cold air at bay.

My neck cramped from lying in an awkward position. Luke was lying alongside me on the couch. My leg was draped over his, though my foot rested in the gap between his. My bare toes touched the tip of his white socks. He was sleeping beside me and his chest slowly rose and fell as he breathed.

It was pitch dark outside and we'd accidentally fallen asleep here last night, together.

I fell asleep.

I actually slept.

Something about Luke made me so comfortable, it washed away my worries. I just dozed off in his arms and, at some point, he did too. His arm still held me from falling.

I got up slowly and quietly, trying not to knee him in the process. It felt amazing to have slept – I was still tired, but feeling better than I had all week. I accidentally kneed my left leg with my right leg and almost fell on Luke. 

He stirred at the commotion, moving his arm and slowly opening his blue eyes.

"Come back to bed," he groaned, half asleep.

"We're not in bed," I reminded him with a smile.

He frowned in that confused, cute way of his and checked the time on his watch. He groaned again. It was 3 or 4 ish AM.

Not such a morning person now, are ya?

"I'm starving," he stretched.

Watching him stretch took up the whole couch. I wondered how I managed to fit in there with him.

He never made it to dinner, did he?

If he was hungry, he really needed to go home. My kitchen was empty, achingly empty.

He sat up and his feet hit the floor. He looked up at me standing in front of him and smiled. 

Luke reached out and pulled me towards him. He led me down to his lap where he kissed me, first on the cheek and then on the lips. He wrapped his arms around my stomach and pressed his lips in the dip behind my collarbone. His fingers softly tugged at my shirt, pulling it down over my shoulders so he could kiss me there too.

"Your present," I whispered.

Luke was still looking dreamy, like he could close his eyes and sleep in any moment.

When he was in this haze, between waking up and falling asleep, his emotions were so readable. For a guy that liked to keep his cards close to his chest, I treasured these moments. I kissed his soft lips and let my tongue slip in the gap between them. He opened his mouth and I pressed my finger gently against his strong jawline.

"I have a new year's present for you," I repeated, the movements my lips made pressed against his.

He seemed more interested in making out than this present. It was hard to resist. My hand slipped under his shirt and traced the outlines of his muscles on his smooth torso. I loved how they tensed under my touch.

I continued, "It's a very small thing, but I borrowed it from Cearra."

"You didn't need to get me anything," he said.

"It's very small," I repeated, pressing my hand on his shoulder to help get up off the couch, "Wait here. I'll be five seconds."

I ran up the staircase and avoided looking at the broken window for the memories it triggered. I flung the door to my dark room open and picked up the bag I had kept Luke's present in.

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