80 | Curiosity

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^^ A message from me that goes beyond this book, but hey, it feels important to say

Chapter 80: Curiosity

Timing has never been my strong suit.

It must be an inherited trait because my mom's timing is the worst. In the midst of Luke's party, she chooses now to come strolling back.

9 Dupont Avenue was busy celebrating Luke's accomplishments. Their door sprung open and blue balloons bobbed at its threshold.

Mr Dawson, Mrs Dawson, Luke's coach and Jamie sprinkled out into the street, wanting to bring Luke back to the party. He was their pride and joy after all.

My mom watched the troupe walking towards us, all dressed up, and it was only rubbing their family's successes in her face. We may be neighbors, but we had very different opportunities growing up.

Luke and I stood, still hand in hand and I turned towards him, pressing my hands against his chest. He was their star and we were castaways. It's comical really.

"Please go back," I told Luke, "Let's avoid making a scene."

He didn't say anything, but I could see his internal conflict, the dark look in his eyes, as he decided whether to stay or go. He wanted to help, but his presence was not calming here.

When my mom looked at Luke, she saw his parents who'd called social services on us when we were kids. When my mom looked at Luke, she saw yet another boy who said he was going to be supportive forever...

And she didn't believe in that anymore. My father had made the same promise: faithful one day and gone the next.

I watched Luke walk across to meet his family halfway. He ushered them back, though they continued to stare at us in curiosity, wondering what had drawn us all outside. Mr Dawson, especially, had a very cold look on his face.

And my mom's expression reciprocated that.

I saw Jamie standing next to her father, Luke's coach. I hadn't seen her in so long, but our eyes made contact and she looked away.

Behind me, the gambler's friend was carting slabs of wood back into his truck. He went back for his saw and passed by Austin and Jake, who were standing on the pavement, looking confused at what he was doing.

I had so many questions left to ask my mom, but it looked like my opportunity to ask her was fading fast.

I tried to keep my voice down, not wanting anyone else to hear, "Can you just tell me why you didn't come back when the police called?"

My mom was still clutching her breadbasket full of weed and responded like the question was a nuisance, "They said nothing was stolen and that it was likely someone you know from school. I'm sure your life wasn't in danger from some childish prank."

"Then why didn't you take me with you?" I asked, listing off my questions. It was not a childish prank.

"My boyfriend doesn't like kids," she replied, glancing over at Luke's parents.

"You took Flora though," I reminded her, "He must be ok with kids."

I felt like she was not telling me the truth.

"Flora's older than you and she spends most of her time out," mom replied, "I had to get off this street, ok? Now stop being dramatic and let me go. I'll be back in a few days."


"I don't have money," I said.

"You have that part time-"

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