34 | Glue

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Such a cute moment in the poster above. Thank you @Jasminflowerjeni!

I saw in the comments that you liked Luke's POV.  So I switched it up again later in this chapter and I think you're going to like whose POV it is...  

The chapter starts in Millie's POV.

Chapter 33: Glue

It was 3AM on a Monday and I was at the hospital.

Luke really knows how to start the week with a bang. A fist shaped bang straight into his brother's jaw.

"Eat baby food for a few days and you'll be fine," he offered his brother some expert medical advice.

I rolled my eyes at him and he caught it. Luke arched a brow, as if taunting me to try again. And I couldn't help but get distracted by his eyes that were a forget-me-not blue.

I was about to mock his 'be tough' attitude, when a nurse walked in. She started to wrap a bandage around Jake's head.

"This will not be good for my music career," Jake muttered sourly.

"Don't move your mouth," the nurse told him.

We watched her wrap the gray bandage around his jaw and over the top of his head. She did it again and again and it left us speechless. No one expected that.

I caught Luke smirking and glared at him. 

He raised his hands helplessly, like this wasn't his fault. "Look at the guy. How is this not funny?"

Jake's face looked like a watermelon wrapped in a bowtie. And his expression was far from amused.

There was no way this was going to end up a secret hospital visit if Jake had to walk around with half a zombie costume on his face tomorrow.

"Are you going to press charges, Jake? This was assault," Annika reminded us.

The nurse looked disapprovingly between the two brothers. I didn't blame her. The moment we made sure Jake was OK, I was going to lead the disapproval train straight into Luke.

"We've been told that the next available doctor's slot is at 10AM today," I said, "Is there anyone Jake could see earlier?"

Waiting in a hospital for another seven hours did not sound like fun.

The nurse explained, "He hasn't broken his jaw so this isn't an emergency. The bandage may be overkill but it's good to limit movement until the doctor sees him. You're welcome to stay in the waiting room or go home for a few hours."

"But the bleeding has stopped, right?" Annika asked, "Maybe we should stay here just in case."

"That's up to you, but I'll ask that you wait in the waiting room," she told us, putting the rest of the bandage roll away before leaving to see her next patient.

There was a very tense silence as Jake sat in the center of the room with half his head wrapped in what looked like toilet paper.

Luke told his brother, "You look good, Jake. You got a Little Miss Bo Peep vibe going on. It suits you."

When I thought Jake looked like a watermelon before, he really looked it now. His face became an even brighter red as it took all his willpower not to attack his half-brother in the hospital.

"Can you try to care, Luke?" I asked my boyfriend, "Try harder?"

"You're acting like he's seriously injured. He's fine and brothers fight," Luke said, checking his phone, "Excuse me one second."

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