The Beginning

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Second Person POV:

"5 more minutes.", the tall hero paced back and forth in front of the door to his home. "5 more minutes till what?", his wife sat on the couch, reading a magazine. "5 more minutes until I go to get her myself.", the number 1 hero explained. *sigh* Hashina stood up and placed her magazine on the coffee table. "Honey, she'll be here soon. She's probably just talking with some new friends.", she walked towards her husband, who had stopped pacing.

"I know but I-", she placed her hand on his face, "Plus, she's walking home with Kurayami's kid." Closing his eyes the blonde sighed, leaning into his wife's gentle hands. "I still don't trust him. He's always been kinda sketchy." Hashina laughed at her husband's comment.

"BYE HARU!", the two adults turned their heads at the sound of their daughter. "Hurry! She'll be upset if she saw we were waiting for her. Go check the food!", Hashina whisper-yelled to her husband, as she ran to sit back down on the couch. The doorknob turned. 

"Daddy, I got my quirk!!!", you excitedly announced, "That's great! What is it, starlight?" your father turned around from the stove to look at you, his icy blue eyes sparkling slightly. "I can zoom in on things with my eyes! I can't wait to be a pro hero just like you and mama!", you replied, "oh, uh..." your fathers eyes seemed to darken and his smile faded a bit. "I don't thin-", he was cut of by your mother saying, "Train well and you might even pass up your dad!", she walked over from where she had been sitting, nudging him with her elbow, smiling brightly at you.

"Yeah!", you shouted, running upstairs to your room. "You shouldn't get her hopes up so high Shina." , said Toshinori Yagi, aka the number 1 hero: All Might, aka your dad. "I know that, Toshi, but we also shouldn't bring them down too much. She is only 4 years old. She'll realize it soon enough.", responded Hashina Yagi, aka pro hero: Stormy, aka your mom. "You're probably right. *sigh* Wanna watch a movie?" Toshinori said, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Um, duh." Hashina said giggling a bit.


Hero Name: Stormy
Quirk: Elements
H/C: Brown
E/C: Hazel


Hero Name: All Might
Quirk: One for all
H/C: Blonde
E/C: Blue


Quirk: Zoom(?)
H/C: ( hair color)
E/C: (eye color)

First Person POV:

I ran up to my room and started to test out my quirk. I looked out my window and looked up at the night sky. I tried to zoom in on the moon, but I could only get halfway there, before getting a headache. I decided to go to bed. I opened my door and yelled, " I'm going to sleep! I love you guys, goodniiiiiight!" My parents chuckled a bit at this but said that they loved me too.

TIMESKIP (10 years)

"Hey dad! I'm hooooome!", I shouted through our almost empty apartment. "Dad?" I walked into our living room to find him slumped over on the couch staring at the wall. I looked over to see what he was looking at. It was a rectangular shape on the wall that was slightly whiter than the rest of the wallpaper. It took me a few minutes to remember what was there before, I finally realized it was our family photo from my mom's last birthday with us.

<591 words>


Please give me feedback!!

- Albion Orion

What a storm leaves behind (Mha x All Might's daughter)Where stories live. Discover now