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3rd Person POV:

When y/n woke up, she found herself lying on a hospital bed, surrounded by worried faces. Izuku and Aizawa stood over the bed and Tetsutetsu and a few of her other friends stood near the door. As she groggily sat up, she noticed the bandages on her arms and aching muscles all over her body. "What happened?" she croaked, her voice hoarse.

Izuku stepped forwards, his eyes filled with concern. " passed out during your battle with Todoroki. It was...intense. You started glowing purple and sparking, and you were engulfed in lightning. It was like nothing we've ever seen before."

Y/n's mind slowly pieced together the events. The storm, the lightning, the surge of power she couldn't control. She felt a mix of awe and fear at the magnitude of her late mother's power.

"The storm stopped when you passed out," Recovery girl explained, turning to face the girl. Her voice was laced with worry. "It caused quite a commotion, but thankfully, no one was seriously injured."

Izuku bent down to whisper something into the girl's ear. "Tokoyami has been disqualified for the next round though. He got hit pretty hard." Y/n looked up at her friend with a shocked look on her face. "Oops"

Recovery Girl approached the bed, checking y/n's vitals. "That power pushed you to your limits, dear. It seems that surge of power overwhelmed your body. You need to take it easy and recover." Y/n nodded, her head spinning from the realization of what had happened. "Did I...did I win?"

Aizawa and Izuku exchanged glances, and the green haired boy spoke up, his voice filled with sympathy. "I'm sorry, y/n. Todoroki managed to freeze himself in ice, protecting himself from your final attack. The judges ruled it as a draw, but since you passed out, Todoroki was declared the winner."

A mix of disappointment and relief washed over y/n. She had come so close, but that new power had cost her the victory. However, she was grateful that no one had been seriously hurt. After Recovery Girl checked her vitals and gave her the ok to leave, she got up and walked back to the bleachers with Izuku. As she passed by the waiting bench at the bottom of the arena Bakugou stopped her. "I'm still gonna fight you and win. Sports festival or not I'll beat you and your stupid lightning quirk. So you better get well soon or it won't be a fair fight." 

It was already time for the finals when they got to their spot. It was a heated battle between Bakugou and Todoroki. They were fighting for first place. 'Wait, how do we know who got third?' Y/n realized that technically she won third by default, because Tokoyami was too out of it to fight her this round. I mean it was her  who took him out so she shouldn't feel too guilty, right?

The fight ended after a lot of shouting from Bakugou and no response from his opponent. Bakugou knocked Todoroki out and was still shouting at the unconscious boy to use his fire quirk. 'Yeah that'll help' Midnight had to sedate him with her quirk so they could clear the stage for the awards. 

They gathered all of the kids who participated in the one on one battles and gave everyone a participation medal. Then Bakugou, Todoroki, and y/n were lifted by three cement slabs that cementoss made rise out of the ground. All Might then came jumping in from outside of the arena. He gave a little speech, then made his way over to the 3 winners. He gave y/n her medal first and then pulled her into a very 'made for fans' hug. The two shared a look before he moved on to award the boys. Oh boy.

As the days passed, y/n focused on learning how to control her new found power. She received support from her friends, especially Izuku, who she was still staying with. She had decided to keep the fact that she could kind of control it a secret and play it off as some surge of power that disappeared.

One evening, as y/n sat on the swings at the park, deep in thought, Izuku approached her. "Y/n, I'm really sorry for how I acted before. I was just...overwhelmed so to say. I never meant to make you feel like I hated you. You're my friend, and I should have been there for you."

Y/n smiled softly,  touched by Izuku's sincere apology. "It's okay, Izuku. We all have our moments. What matters is that you didn't kick me out of your house." She punched him in the arm laughing. He soon joined her sitting on the swing next to her.

They sat in silence, swinging softly. The evening sky was painted with hues of orange and pink. Y/n felt a renewed determination to master her new power and push past her limits. The journey to prove herself would be hard, but she was ready to face it all, including her father.

880 words

Author's Note: My phone with all of my plans for this story broke and then I disappeared for a year so I don't remember exactly what I had planned for each upcoming chapter. Like I know how the story ends but I feel like I'm missing little details TnT. ANywAyS, ENJOY!!!!!!

-Albion Orion

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