Race of Wits

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3rd Person POV:

The Sports Festival at U.A. High School had finally arrived, showcasing the extraordinary abilities of the students. Excitement filled the air as all participating first year students lined up for the first event. The first challenge they had to overcome to continue on in the competition was an obstacle course race. 

There was a large cement wall in between the students and the beginning of the course and as the countdown started Cementoss began melting it down into the concrete ground of the arena. As the wall lowered a dark tunnel came into view. Y/n knew her quirk would not be useful in this challenge and she had no clue how to reactivate whatever strength she had back at the USJ so there was no hope for that. She would just have to be smarter than enough people to pass. 

The signal to begin the race echoed through the stadium, igniting a surge of adrenaline within y/n and her fellow competitors. With a burst of energy, they darted forward, each determined to prove their worth. The tunnel quickly became quite crowded as people began to try to shove through or began using their quirks to go over the crowd. 'This is the first obstacle! Of course!' Y/n tried to think of a way to get out of the tunnel.

Luckily she was near the front, a few feet behind Todoroki. She began to slow her run when she saw the boy twist his foot. She watched as ice spread out towards her and the other contestants, an idea sparked in her mind. All she had to do was time it just right. 

She watched the ice growing closer and closer and.... jumped. When she landed again she slipped a bit and had to rebalance. She pushed her feet forward, skating on the ice. She was passed by about thirty people, all using their quirks to get out of the tunnel. She finally made it out of the tunnel. Her eyes widened at the next obstacle. 

Towering high above everything else, stood 3 of the zero point robots from the entrance exam. She heard someone crying behind her. She flipped her head to see what happened. It was a girl form 1-b who had been caught in the ice. She was trying desperately to escape. Most of the group had gotten stuck in the ice, which meant y/n's chances of moving to the next round were much higher. Though, they were definitely decreasing the more she waited to continue.

Y/n focused her attention on the task at hand, analyzing the chaotic landscape of the racecourse filled with colossal robots. As the giant robots swung their limbs and delivered crushing blows, y/n relied on her agility and quick thinking to maneuver through the chaos unscathed. She observed the robots closely, noticing subtle differences in their movements. Some had slower reaction times, presenting opportunities for her to exploit their blind spots. 

Dashing past one lumbering robot, y/n timed her movements with precision, narrowly avoiding its sweeping arm. In a split second decision, she seized the chance to slip through the gap in its defenses. As she did, she caught a glimpse of her competitors struggling against the imposing machines, their own strategies unfolding.

Kirishima and Tetsutestu punched through a pile of robots giving many more students the chance to get past the machines. Some of the kids who had been trapped in the ice were managing to escape now and the number of active competitors was rapidly rising.

Venturing further into the race, y/n encountered a treacherous pitfall that threatened to halt her progress. It yawned before her, a gaping chasm with no apparent way to cross directly. Undeterred, she surveyed her surroundings, her eyes scanning for any possible alternatives. It was then that she spotted a narrow ledge running alongside the pit—a risky path that required perfect balance and unwavering focus. 

With determination burning in her chest, y/n made a split-second decision. Without hesitation, she leapt onto the narrow ledge, her body teetering on the edge. Every muscle in her body strained as she fought to maintain her balance, her heart pounding in her ears. Inch by inch, she stepped forward, the pitfall's darkness tempting her with its promise of failure. 

Time seemed to stand still as y/n navigated the narrow ledge, the fear of falling only fueling her determination. Finally, she reached the other side, landing safely on solid ground. The crowd erupted in applause, recognizing the skill and courage it took to overcome such a perilous obstacle. 

 But there was no time to revel in her success. Iida zoomed passed her and she remembered where she was. The race pressed on, and as y/n pressed forward, she found herself facing yet another daunting challenge—the minefields. The course was scattered with explosive traps, waiting for a single misstep to bring devastation. Panic threatened to consume her, but she refused to let fear dictate her actions. 

Drawing upon her sharp intellect and analytical skills, y/n meticulously studied the placement of the mines. She spotted patterns amidst the chaos, creating mental maps to guide her through the treacherous field. Every step was a calculated risk, her mind racing with probabilities and possible escape routes. 

With each successful maneuver through the minefields, y/n's confidence grew. She felt a surge of determination coursing through her veins, the realization that she possessed the power to defy expectations. This was her chance to prove that intellect and strategy could be just as valuable in the hero world. 

Just then a large boom came from behind her. She felt a burst of wind and she was pushed forward. She fell to her hands and knees, narrowly missing two mines. She looked up to see what had caused the explosion. Izuku had landed using Todoroki and Bakugou after... flying? She didn't have enough time to focus on that in the moment, so she carefully stood up and made her way out of the minefield. 

As the finish line loomed ahead, y/n poured every ounce of her being into the final stretch. Her breath came in ragged gasps, her muscles screaming with exhaustion, but she pressed on. The cheers of the crowd blended into a deafening roar, pushing her forward. 

In a bittersweet moment, y/n crossed the finish line just shy of the top positions. Disappointment washed over her, threatening to extinguish the fire that burned within her. But as she looked around, witnessing the triumph and defeat etched on the faces of her fellow competitors, she realized something profound. 

Passing through to the next stage was a victory in itself—a chance to showcase her capabilities in a different setting. It was an opportunity to grow, to learn from her experiences, and to prove that setbacks were mere stepping stones on the path to greatness. 

And so, with her spirits undeterred, y/n allowed the disappointment to fuel her resolve. She knew that the Sports Festival held many more challenges, and she was ready to face them head-on. With unwavering determination, she set her sights on the next stage, eager to push her limits further and make her mark in the hero world. Whether her father approved or not she would become a Pro.

1305 words

Author's Note: I truly am back cutiesss. I will be completing this book very soon and I'll be publishing a few new ones. One is an All Might x Villain OC (That i can make an x reader if you want) and one is an original story called The Stars' Will. I'm also gonna keep publishing tons more My Hero stories. I might make a Oneshot book if you guys want that. Just send in requests!!!! Just a warning some chapters may be changed slightly as my editor goes through them and fixes any mistakes I didn't catch. I hope you guys enjoy these final chapters!!!!

Albion Orion

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