The Guitar

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Infinite, Zero, and Goth walk down the grim hallway of the base and step into one of the rooms. This room looked like a bedroom, with a small mattress plopped onto the floor without a second thought that looked like it had been through the civil war, a black closet next to it, and a small box of something on top of it. There was a small black rug in the center of the room with a guitar case and an amplifier. There were a few posters of different rock bands taped up onto the walls and a few books on top of her closet. Goth opens up the closet and digs inside while Zero and Infinite admire the guitar.

"Wow I didn't know you played Goth, that's really cool!" Zero comments, "Can we ever hear you play?" Goth stops and throws a boot at him, hitting him right in the nose. "I-I guess that's a no" 

"I heard her play once, she's pretty good at it" Infinite replied. Goth looked away blushing from the flattery and embarrassment and goes back to looking around in the closet. "Ooooo she's blushing, that's the first sign of emotion I saw from you!" Goth throws a rock at Infinite and he dodged, landing right on the guitar, breaking it. Goth turns and seen this. Goth's hands were shaking and she was pissed. 

"G-Goth I am so sorry?! I didn't mean to, honestly, I didn't mean it," Infinite quickly remarked scared of what Goth was going to do next. Goth storms off, covering her eyes. Zero picks up the shards of the guitar, and in the remains of the guitar was a picture and a note. Zero tries to read the note, but it was written in some foreign language. They both look at the picture. It was a picture of a group of people, including Snicker. There were four other people. One had red hair in two pigtails and wore a red dress, her eyes were crossed out, and written just above her head was the word beheaded. The next one right next to Snicker was a boy with blonde hair and he wore a plain school uniform, his eyes were also crossed out, and written above his head was the word overdose. The next one was also a boy who had long messy black hair and wore a leather jacket and leather pants. His eyes were crossed out two and right above his head, the word murdered was written. And finally, the girl that looked exactly like Pink with a pretty purple dress was hugging Snicker, her eyes were crossed out, and right above her head the word survived was written rushed and angrily. 

"W-what the hell..." Zero managed to stutter out from his shock. Snickers eyes were slowly being crossed out with two X's, none of them had a pen and they were both holding the paper without letting go. Something else was crossing out Snicker's eyes and right above his head wrote the word suicide. Zero and Infinite drop the picture and leap back. On top of the note that something wrote 'The Pact is Broken, Your Faith is sealed, So May it Be.' 

"Zero go translate the note, I'm finding Goth before that could happen?!" Infinite ordered as he ran out to look for Goth, Zero picks up the note and runs off in the opposite direction in a panic. 

~End of Chapter 11~ 

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