The Couple

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Sky was sitting under a tree in the garden. It was the same tree she sat under with Snicker/Goth. She sighs as she remembered this. Goth wasn't a bad person, and Sky knew this. Besides the cannibalism and her status in the brotherhood, she was a good person. Deep down, it's still the same Goth that tried to save her sister Sunset. Even though she failed, she at least tried. Normal members of the brotherhood wouldn't do that. She refused to believe that she was a bad person. 

As Sky was lost in thought, Infinite sat next to her. He looks at her, wondering if he should leave her alone. Then Sky noticed him.

"O-oh... hey... sorry I didn't see you there," Sky mumbles. 

"Hi, and it's okay. I wanted to make sure you were okay," he replied.

"Oh, that's really sweet of you..." she answered, blushing slightly. 

"Oh.. um... well... I'm just doing my job, your highness!"

"Do you not know my name by now? Just call me Sky! Unlike my parents, I hate being called your highness." 

"Sorry, I didn't know."

"Well then, now you do!"

"Yeah, I do now, Sky," he replied happily, and as he said her name, she blushed. "Oh no, I'm sorry. What did I do now?"

"Nothing, it's nothing. Don't worry about it!" she answered. 

"Did I sound too hot when I said your name?" he asked jokingly, and Sky blushed so much she was a tomato. "Oh my god, I was joking. Are you serious?" he asked, blushing. Sky stutters a lot, so much it was unintelligible blabbering, then she quieted down. "I guess whatever that was, it answered my question." Sky's crystals turned bright pink, and she looks really nervous. 

Infinite looks at her. He took off the blindfold and held it so only Sky could see what was underneath it. He had razor-sharp teeth and inside his mouth was completely black, and so was his saliva. 

"Even with this. Despite this horrid thing, would you still love me?" he asked. He was clearly expecting her to say no. But she quickly kissed his lips, making him a flustered mess instead. 

"I don't care about your flaws. I'll still love you." Sky answers, "and what I just did was proof of that?! Your perfect just the way you are!" she added. Infinite blushed a lot more since she said that. Zero, Ember, Charmix, and Ivy sneak away from a bush. They didn't notice them sneaking away. Then Seth sneaks away from behind the fountain. And finally, Mira sneaks away from behind the tree they were under. 

Sky kissed him on the lips again, and Infinite smiles a bit as he blushed. Infinite fainted. 

"OH MY GOD, MY LOVE KILLED HIM?!" She screams in a panic as she quickly put his bandana back on. 

"No, he just fainted." a mysterious voice says from above them. Sky looks up at the mysterious voice, and it was Goth. She was sitting quietly and cat-like on the tree branch. She was curiously peering down at them while holding a book. "I know a spell to wake him up if you bastards still trust me enough." 

"I do... but can I ask a question first?" Sky asked.


"Why did you drink their blood?" 

"Really? You should have already known by now! I'm originally from the Star Clan. I read up on the religious practices. According to what I read, they drink the blood of the dead to give them a good afterlife. I did them a favor! However, the taste of blood get's quite addicting sometimes. I lose control of myself when I see a lot of blood at once." 

"Oh wow, I never knew that..."

"Yeah... but I also came to set the record straight." 


"Well, while you two were confessing your love, Moonlight told me to give this book to Ivy. I came to look for her." 

"Can't you just give it to me?"

"Well, I'm sure I can. Moonlight said that once Ivy reads the book, she'll tell everyone that the brotherhood isn't bad. Do you think we're bad, Sky?"

"Well... you guys are killers. You kill because a demon tells you to... I don't think I can think your good..." Sky answers and Goth was pale.

"I thought you would understand. I guess I was mistaken." Goth answers while looking down at the book. "You want to kill us, don't you?" 

"...Only to avenge the people you killed..."

"We killed them because they were corrupt. They were bad people. They were manipulating, stealing, killing the innocent. We couldn't watch that happen, unlike you and your petty kingdom."

"We deal with them rationally?!" 

"Oh what? A petty fine? Sitting in a jail cell for a month? Sithison wanted them dead to make the world a better place. So did your goddess Somantis."

"Your wrong?! She's the goddess of life! She would never want people dead?!" 



"I'm the listener. I can hear them both. Both of them are agreeing with me. You can't see them?" Goth says as she points at the fountain, where no one was, "They're right there." Sky looks and sees nothing was there. 

"G-Goth, no ones there..." Sky answered.

"Oh right, you can't see them... or hear them... your weak like the rest of this region..."

"You have no right to speak about my people that way?!" 

"Hmmmmm, I don't care. I never did." 

"That's it?! Gothrita Jackson, the North declares war on the brotherhood?! We'll destroy you all?!" Sky pronounced loudly, making Zero, Seth, Mira, Ivy, Charmix, and Ember, peek out at them. Goth laughs. 

"You think your army can defeat us?! The gods and goddesses are on our side... I'd love to see you fail!" Goth pronounced smugly. Goth tossed the book to Ivy. "Moonlight wanted you to have this. Sky, you have exactly 24 hours to surrender, and we'll forget about this whole thing. Goodbye!" Goth giggles and disappears into the shadows. They were all quiet.

"So... you kissed my brother. Did you like it?" Zero asked, trying to lighten the mood. Sky looks away blushing, which was the only answer they needed. Sky runs off before they all started to squeal like Justin Bieber fans on all the drugs on the planet. We're going to end the chapter before my computer breaks from all of the shipping. 

~End of Chapter 21~

A Rogue and A RoyalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora