The Anubi Clan

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Agent Infinite and Sky finally made it back to their village. Sky's castle was nicely tucked away in the distance, with some clouds forming around one of the towers. Some villagers stare at them. 

"Why are they staring?" Sky whispers to Infinite. Infinite shrugs. Summer walks out of a shop and looks at them too, and her jaw drops. "What?!" 

"Your holding hands! You're a couple?" Summer asked curiously. Infinite and Sky both look down at their hands. They saw that they were actually holding hands. Infinite only just realized how big his hands were compared to Sky's. It was like a gorilla holding hands with a toddler. He instantly let's go and puts his hands in his pockets. Sky looks at him, then at Summer. Sky pulls Infinite's hand out of his pocket and holds his hand again. 

"Why yes! We are!" Sky pronounced. Infinite looked at her.  He was clearly a blushing, flustered mess. Sky walks off towards the castle, with Agent Infinite in tow. As they walked, she saw the other villagers still staring and whispering. "And if anyone has a problem with it, they can tell my father!" she happily chirped. Once the villagers heard this, they instantly quiet down. 

"Sky, I'm still on duty. I'm technically breaking several rules doing this," he whispers to her. 

"Oh yeah? What might those be?" Sky whispers back. 

"Several. Mostly about being all lovey-dovey in public. But the big whammy is being in a romantic relationship with a princess. That's strictly not allowed." 

"You already broke a rule. You ran into an enemy's base without notifying the king. You could have gotten killed. So if you're such a stickler for rules, then I'll happily tell father that so you can receive your punishment. Unless you want me to lie and say that I escaped myself and you just happened to find me lost in the woods?" She whispers back. Infinite looked at her for a second, then at the ground as he walked. 

"Fine, you win. You can lie for me," he mutters, defeated. 

They were walking towards the doors.  Then a bunch of guards came pouring out from the door.  Infinite quickly pulls himself and Sky to the side of the path. So they don't get run over by all of the guards. Zero ran out last and stops in front of them. He tossed Agent Infinite his sword. 

"What's going on?" Sky asked curiously, "I never seen them pull out so many guards at once before!" 

"The Anubi Clan was taken by the brotherhood. Goth killed James and took over. She managed to get the people on her side with her despicable lies. The King ordered that we take back the Clan. He also ordered for you to come with us, brother." Zero explained quickly. 

"I'm coming too!" Sky pronounced. She teleports on some light silver armor. Zero laughs. 

"You can't come! Stay in the castle!" Infinite ordered. Sky pulls out her sword from her heart crystal. Infinite draws his sword out. Sky charged at Infinite, and Infinite gets ready to block. Sky leaps over Infinite kicks him in the back, knocks his weapon out of his hand with her sword, and pins him to the ground holding her sword to his neck. Infinite blushed slightly and looked nervous. Zero looks completely shocked. "Okay, you win. You can come with us! Just put the sword away, for now, I choose life?!" he stutters. 

"Good," she responds. Her sword fades away. She runs after the other guards. Infinite and Zero run after her. 

Meanwhile, with the Anubi Clan, Goth was standing on a balcony on the Anubi Clan castle, looking over the crowd of villagers looking up at her. She still wore her father's circlet. The clouds start to form, making it much darker than the sunny day it was before. The villagers look dirty, poor, and gritty. Like they've been worked to the bone. Each one of them looked anorexic like they haven't eaten a good feast in years, for some, maybe even decades.

"Sithison is smiling down upon us, my dearest Anubi brethren! Today is the day that the tyrant, Emperor James, has been sent to Sithison! We will all finally feast like royalty! Ever since my father became ruler, you've all been worked to the bone for a religion that never suited us! We are not like those Northern cowards! We do not find comfort by being oppressed into a crooked system! We do not find peace by feeling like we could be brutally massacred at any second like our brothers and sisters in the Star Tribe! We do not find shelter in Somantis's arms when she does NOTHING about the oppression and torment others face just because they don't worship her!" Goth pronounced. The villagers cheered, and Bonzo watched from inside. The Northern army rushed into the gates and stopped once they seen Goth and the villagers. 

"WE are the Anubi! We have been feared for centuries! Yet THIS is what we've become! SLAVES TO THE SOMANIONS?! We are what the North should fear. They will no longer control or oppress us! We will break these oppressive chains that the North put upon us! We will rise to the challenge and prove that Sithison should be openly worshipped and feared! We will prove that we Sithison worshippers are not victims! We are predators, stalking the weak Somanions in the night. With the Night Maiden guiding us, there is no challenge we can't overcome! HAIL SITHISON! HAIL THE NIGHT MAIDEN! HAIL THE LISTENER!" Goth proclaimed. She raised her fist to the air. The other villagers raise their fists in the air and cheer. 

"HAIL SITHISON! HAIL THE NIGHT MAIDEN! HAIL THE LISTENER!" the villagers cheer. A soldier shoots an arrow at Goth. Goth dodged just in time, and the arrow got stuck in the wall. The villager's scream and panic, then hide in their homes. 

"Make sure the others are safe Bonzo, don't let them in the palace. In fact, don't even send out any soldiers. I got this." Goth ordered. 

"Bonzo thinks you should reconsider! Bonzo sees a whole army out there! Bonzo and the family still need you alive!" Bonzo pleads. 

"I gave you an order?!" Goth says. Bonzo nods and quietly walked away. Goth teleports her staff to her hands and looks down at the army. 

"SURRENDER NOW AND YOU'LL LIVE GOTH?!" Sky proclaimed loudly. Goth rolls her eyes. She leaps down and looks at them. A strange black dagger with an extremely curved blade was teleported into Goth's other hand. 

"Nah... how boring! Well, at least the family can watch my true power!" Goth remarked. "But, it'll be easy."

"No way?! These are all of the North's strongest soldiers?!" Sky replied. 

"I can tell. But none of them don't know what they're truly fighting for. You lied to them all. I can tell by the spirits following them." Sky charged at Goth. She goes to hit Goth with her sword. Goth blocks the strike with her dagger. "Pathetic," she mutters as she kicks Sky into the castle walls. Sky winced in pain and fell to the ground. "None of you can defeat a girl who has nothing left to lose, so turn back now." 

Agent Infinite and Agent Zero look at each other, they charge at Goth with the rest of the army, and Goth looked ready to kill.

~End of Chapter 27~

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