• Q U A T T U O R D E C I M •

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~ L I L A ~
A cheerful smile made its way into my face as I opened the door of the logged cabin that Ryan had inherited last month once he turned 16, his father leaving it to him in his will. Ryan's father was a kind hearted man, always made sure he had time to spend with his son, when he passed away it took a toll on Ryan and his mother, now Ryan lived with Bill and no one had heard from his mother in a year and a half. Taking in the room, I spit a small noticeable change in the curtain colors and couch style. The once blue curtains were now a light yellow and the once white fluffy coach was now a dark brown leather. Closing the door behind me, I set my backpack down on the coach. Making sure to double check that I had locked the door as I made my way towards the kitchen. Setting the key down in the bowl that sat on shelf above coat hooks. The buzzing of my phone catches my attention as I pulled it out from the pocket of the hoodie that I had put on.

     Answering the texts I had received, I make my my way over to the cabinet, pulling down a turquoise glass cup along with a small pot. Filling the pot with water, I put it on the stove with medium flame. My mind wanders to my parents, whom seemed to know that I needed space from them. While I was irritated with them, I began to wonder if maybe I should have left them a note telling them I was fine instead of just sneaking out at two in the morning. Then again they would most likely know where I was, they always did. The wheezing of the pot snapped me out of my thoughts. Proceeding to pour the steaming water into the cup, I look at the tea options that were in the cabinet before deciding on raspberry lemon. Tea had always been able to help me relax, if I wasn't painting I was sipping a cup of tea. Hell even if I was pointing I would be drinking tea while doing so.

     Taking a small sip to assure myself it was cool enough to drink, my eyes narrow in on the picture on the wall. It was a family portrait, one who didn't know Ryan's father could easily see the similarities at a first glance. The only thing Ryan really inherited from his mom was hair color and eyes. A smile makes its way onto my face as I spot a smiling Ryan who sat on his father's shoulders, he had to be no older then seven. My eyes trailed down to the boy who was infront of his mom, arms tightly and lovingly secured around the teenager. A thin line pursed on his lips. Ryan's brother was a mystery to everyone, having ran away at seventeen. I remembered the day Ryan told me. We were in fourth grade at the time, the blonde boy came to school after missing it for four days. It was hard to forget the quiver on his lips, the way he sniffled as he hugged me. He was always scared to lose anyone after that, so when his father died and his mother left it took a toll on him.

I always thought that it was easier to detach myself
from my family, for if anything happened It would be easier to forget them and not wallow in the pain. I was so into my thoughts that I hadn't noticed the small tears that stained my cheeks. Wiping them off, I stand up, finishing my tea before placing the cup in the sink. I would wash it in the morning, for now I was tired. Heading toward the guest bedroom, I stopped outside of the room that used to belong to Ryan's brother. Slowly opening the door, I flipped the light on. My eyes scanned over the room, a cold chill filled my body. I always wondered why he left, why could of caused him to want to leave so badly when he was so happy. A frown overtook my face as I turned the light off and closed the door. I could feel a change coming, I just didn't know how big it was gonna be...

WC: 734
So we got a deeper look into Ryan's background! I've been waiting to be able to write for his family so Im really excited for you guys to read this chapter. Also if you haven't already, join my discord serve! I will have a huge announcement at the end of the month that will involve some of you getting your ideas into a chapter!! The links in my bio!

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