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~ T H I R D P E R S O N ~
   Wind. That's all the was heard through the forest as the Cullen family stood there, listening for any sign of movement. Moving to a new country meant new beginnings, new rules, but most importantly new vampires. Looking from tree to tree, Carlisle beings to worry that maybe they were unwelcome here. "I hear something," Rosalie calls looking North of them, having heard the faint sound of a twig snapping. The Cullen Clan turns their head waiting in anticipation to see the vampires that had claimed this land. Hoping that they would be able to stay. They couldn't leave, their mate was here. The thing that would complete them. However all they could do was wait patiently. Running through the woods, the vampire could hear the whispers from the new clan. She hoped they wouldn't be a nuisance, as she had a family and town she swore to protect.

       After a minute, An older woman with blonde hair emerges. Her skin was as pale as theirs but had more warmth to it, almost as if she had blood circulating through her. Edward takes the time to study the woman, sensing that he couldn't break through her mind. He glanced at Alice who takes the hint. Testing if she could sense what was to happen, her eyes narrow. Her mind seemed to be blocked by something. "Elizabeth," Esme politely greets the vampire who's face had been blank until the woman greeted her. "Esme," she smiles pulling her into a warm welcoming hug. "It's so great to see you, why it feels like forever ago that we were getting coffee before you disappeared on me," the blonde vampire says. Esme gets a sheepish smile on her face. "I apologize. I was going through such a rough time and then well Carlisle saved me and we started our family," Esme says motioning towards the rest of the Cullen's.

       The blonde vampire takes a moment to observe the family. Her eyes taking in every detail. Jasper senses her emotions changing but they were to fast for him to determine what she was feeling. Finally she smiles warmly. "Well I take it you are vegans by your eyes?" She questions. "Yes, our family only hunts animals," Carlisle states. She hums with a nod before glancing towards Jacob and Renesmee. "A werewolf, why I haven't seen one of you since the second war," Elizabeth states. "Jacob will do no harm. He has Imprinted on Renesmee, whom Edward and Isabella had while she was Human," Carlisle informs the older vampire. Wonder fills the older woman's eyes. "Ahh yes I've heard the stories," she nods. "I don't see why you can't stay here, the only thing I ask of you is to not hunt in the west side of the forest that crosses over the mountain," She states. "We can comply with that," Carlisle speaks. Elizabeth nods. "Well welcome to Edinburgh Scotland, I hope you guys enjoy your time here. I know I have," She says before she's gone. The Cullens sigh in relief. Happy to be able to stay. Knowing that they would be able to be here with Lila. Maybe their family would finally be complete....

WC: 540

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