• S E D E C I M •

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~ L I L A ~
     The buzzing of my phone filled my ears as it vibrated on the table from where it was face down. No doubt it was my parents calling and texting me, however I proceeded to ignore them after sending a simple text that stated I was with Ryan. Soft knocking on the door catches my attention. Looking at the door as it slowly opens, Ryan sends me a soft smile. "You feeling any better?" Ryan asks taking a seat at the edge of the bed. "A little," I sigh feeling frustration take over. "I'm just...tired of it. They're always busy with work and then come home and expect everything to just be fine. I just want my mom and dad sometimes," I sniffle making Ryan pull me into a side hug. "Your parents love you Lila, I just think they have a hard time showing it sometimes," Ryan tries to comfort me. "Maybe you should talk to them," he suggests making me sit up and turn to him. "What am I supposed to say? Hey maybe you shouldn't have adopted me beacuse it seems like the only thing important to you is work?" I roll my eyes scoffing at the thought. 

    "Have you ever asked them why they adopted you?" Ryan asks making me shake my head. "I mean I always just assumed that because they couldn't have kids," I shrug not really seeing the meaning. "Maybe you should, they could have chosen anyone else, but they choose you, that has to mean something right? I mean your parents choose to be your mom and dad," Ryan states making me frown. He had a point; they could have gone to any orphanage and instead flew all the way over here and started their lives over. "You're right. I never really thought about that...thank you Ryan," I say looking up at him. He smiles at me as I smile back, us both looking into each other's eyes. It feels like we both get drawn in as we slowly inch towards each other. 

     Knocking echos through the house startling us both as we quickly pull away. "I'll um I should go answer that," Ryan coughs standing up fast and leaving the room. What the hell was that, Lila? I shake my head and groan. Was I really about to kiss my best friend. I proceed to walk out the room and find Ryan standing next to an open door with my grandma? "Oh Lila," she sighs moving towards me. "I'm sorry Grandma," I frown hugging her. "I shouldn't have ran off like that, I just-," Grandma cuts my sentence off.  "Get caught up in being upset with your parents," she states raising her eyebrows at me.  A sigh escapes me as I nod. "I need to tell them how I'm feeling. Let me go get me stuff," I acknowledge walking back to the room. "Thank you, Ryan," I hear my grandma say as I'm walking back. Packing up my stuff, I close the door behind me and follow my grandma to the car, giving Ryan a hug first. 

  Walking back into the house, I spot mom and dad sitting down in the living room. Upon entrance they look up and I see relief on their face.  "I'll give you guys some time to talk," Grandma says rubbing my back and walking away upstairs, no doubt to her guest room. Sitting down on the couch we sit in silence for what feels like forever. "I shouldn't of left like that. I just feel like sometimes you guys being home is worse than when you're gone at work," I state looking down to avoid the hurt that flashes on their face. "You guys are always at work it feels like you care about it more, it's like you didn't even have a daughter to look after. I just feel like maybe you adopted me to fill a short time void for not having kids." I express feeling the tears begin to pool at my eyes. "Oh honey," My mom sighs as I'm pulled into a hug. "I'm sorry we haven't been the best parents lately. We love you so much it's just scary seeing how much you are growing up," Mom says wiping my tears away. "Sometimes we feel like you don't need or want us around, so we leave for work. It was stupid and we shouldn't have done that" Dad states. 

  "From now on we'll be around," Mom promises. "But what about work?" I ask. "We'll figure it out, you are our priority though, not work," Dad says. I nod as we pull into a family hug. "I love you Mom, I love you dad," I say. "We love you more sweetheart," dad says.  "Now why don't we have a family movie night, I'm pretty sure grandma would love to make some of her cannoli's for you," Mom says making me smile and nod. Maybe things would be fine...

WC: 833

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