~ chapter 29 ☁️

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I know for a fact Eli won't apologise to me. In fact I'm pretty sure he'd rather cut out his tongue than ever have to utter the words 'I'm sorry' to me. And yet for some reason I still just had to push it.

'Did I not just literally express my regret about doing what I did?' He instantly shoots back in a grim tone, almost as if he had been waiting for me to bring this up.

Eli has a thing about not being able to apologise, I'm not exactly sure why it's such a sensitive topic for him but it's grown into an almost weird, psychological complex for him. I remember even as kids, his Mum would always struggle trying to get him to apologise when he did something bad (which was a heck of a lot of times by the way, even then he was an absolute menace). And he's still the same now, apparently he drives the principle crazy by never apologising when he gets caught up in fights and whatnot.

'Yes, but you didn't apologise, not properly.' I continue to hesitantly press, wanting to see how far he'll go.

Not only that but it's also true as well, I don't want anything from him. I'd much rather him show how sorry he is by actually saying it rather than going out and buying some materialistic thing- that is, if he is even actually apologetic about it at all.

'You know I'm not going to apologise to you. I don't say 'sorry', that's just not me. So just take whatever you ask for as a form of an apology instead.' He grunts with a clenched jaw and I can immediately sense I have started to really ruffle some of his feathers.

'I don't want anything.' I curtly sigh, deciding to just leave it since it's obvious he's not going to apologise anytime soon.

It was a long shot, anyway really. The day Eli Walters apologises to me is the day I'll be lying stone cold six feet under I'm sure- and even then, I'll be doubtful.

'Besides I find it incredibly funny that you're only now saying this and offering me something after the whole Alexander and Dominic thing happened.' I say, fixing him with a questioning look as I decide to venture down a new path in my doubtfulness of his offer.

'Don't be stupid. Are you accusing me of trying to keep you sweet or something? Because this has actually been on my mind since before that whole thing happened, I just needed some time to think about it.' He scoffs with a sneer, seemingly outraged my mind would even jump to that conclusion.

'Besides I trust you're clever enough to know to keep your mouth shut by now anyway.' He finishes bitterly, raising an arched brow at me.

I can tell he means it by how passionately he's speaking and how tense his figure is, he does honestly seem insulted that I accused him of bribing me to keep quiet. Plus his later point is true too, I definitely know to keep shtum about that whole Dominic and Alexander thing if I want to live out the rest of my high school days in some form of peace.

'So, come on then. What do you want?'

'I don't want anything.' I say while shaking my head, the idea of accepting anything from Eli Walters not sitting right with me.

'C'mon, you must want something.' He tries to persuade.

'No, I really don't.' I blankly declare.

He seems to grow agitated at the way I keep continuously turning down his offer, sighing at me before shrugging and leaning back against my pillows.

'Well, I'm not leaving until you think of something so I suggest you get thinking.' He announces, proceeding to shoot me a smug smile as he makes himself comfortable on my bed.

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