~ a/n ☁️

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hey guyssssss. 👋🏼🌈💟
tysm for all the love and support u lot have been showing this story and i, honestly would not have expected it in a million years. 🥺🤍

anyway, i just wanted to take this moment to bring up a couple things at the end of this chapter. feel free to read or skip if u want, it's up to u haha x

erm so first off idk if you've noticed by the way i write but i'm actually british. and the reason y i'm bringing this up is because one of my friends mentioned that some of the language i use in this book is kinda like uk slang which people from elsewhere might struggle to understand, idk if u lot would agree if that is the case. but if so just feel free to ask what something is if u don't know, and i'll try my best to reply or hopefully another reader can also chime in as well x 😊

secondly, judging from ur comments, i can tell we currently have mixed feelings for eli. 😬although ik some of you already ship willowxeli (i can't think of a good ship name for them 🙃) i hate to tell u but this relationship is going to take a while to develop. keep in mind, they've had this weird kind of thing for years where they've 'hated' each other and he's low-key been having the time of his life tormenting her. so now that there is finally some sort of progression, it's going to develop slowly. i want the plot to be as realistic as possible so unfortunately that means it's going to be v much the kind of slow burn type of romance if u get me- especially considering that atm our girl willow has the hots for mason and mason only unfortunately.

which brings me to my third point. u might be thinking like 'geez girl, we're like thirty chapters in and they still haven't even held hands properly yet, let alone kissed or anything.' u guys probably haven't noticed but like time-wise in the plot, it's only been like a few weeks- and yes you read that right haha. my writing style is like rly detailed and long, (borderline waffling tbh 🤭😅) like for example there's been times where there's been like several chapters just for one like half hour event e.g. eli's invasion into willow's bedroom that day. so yh, i hope u don't mind me and my incredibly long winded writing lol x

and last of all, ik some of u guys just want every chapter to be about eli and willow. but whilst their relationship is still kind of forming, i don't want every single chapter to be involving them and them only. willow is my main character, i'm writing from her pov and rn eli is not that big a part of her life (that's not to say he won't be soon though 😏😉).

and that's y the chapters are wat they r with other smaller storylines occurring between willow and her friends, mason and also other characters. and i honestly prefer it this way because i get to delve into other things I can't necessarily write for about between eli and willow. if every chapter was about them, i honestly think it would be kinda draining for me as a writer because their relationship is just so intense and eli is so broody. whereas with my current style, i get to involve other kind of dramas and humour deriving from all my other characters. dw though, as the story progresses, you're deffo gonna see more of willow and eli and i'm ultimately hoping for a more balanced kind of situation regarding that once their romance has started blooming. but also don't be hoping for a simple kind of enemies to lovers plot because there's still quite a lot of ups and downs that are going to go down between them (e.g. the story excerpt from the main page).

and lastly, yes ik my updating schedule is weird af. i take full responsibility for that because i'm writing the story as it goes and sometimes i don't feel like writing for agesss and sometimes i suddenly get into this mood where i want to write like 4 chapters in a day. 💀 from now on though, i'm going to try to aim for a more regular type of schedule where i update at least once a week. and u guys can feel free to shout at me all u want if i do fail to do so. 🤡

anyway rant over, i just wanna say tysm for all ur kind comments, honestly makes my day to see how u guys r enjoying the story and i loveeeee reading some of ur guys' reactions and opinions to the chapters too. 💛🌼 x

P.S don't think i haven't seen all ur thirsty af comments and messages about willow and eli's upcoming movie trip, rest assured it's coming v soon. 😂👀

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