~ chapter 32 ☁️

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Later on during the girl's and I's evening face time call, no one is particularly happy.

Asha who has been excited all week for Jasper's birthday tomorrow has been in a particularly sour mood today and I can totally understand why.

She's spent this week finalising the details of 'Jasper's Birthday Treat' as Piper and I have been jokingly calling it. She really wanted to go all out for him just like he had for her on her own birthday. And so she had basically planned this really nice day out for the both of them, ending of course with them hopefully sleeping together.

She even was going to whisk him away to bunk off school for the day, and if you know anything about Asha then you know that means this must be a massive deal to her. Because Asha never misses a day off school if she can help it- whereas Jasper on the other hand has had an almost suspicious amount of days off with a cold, if you know what I mean.

But either way, it doesn't matter anyway because it seems all of that isn't going ahead as planned. Apparently Jasper's parents were called away on an emergency business trip this morning and aren't going to be back until Monday. And of course his jock friends weren't going to miss this golden opportunity to throw a house party, especially on his birthday.

Annoyingly enough however, they didn't bother to ask Asha if she had already planned anything by for tomorrow before they decided to throw this surprise party. And by the time she found out at lunch, half the school had already been invited- which I find weird anyway considering she's supposed to be the girlfriend of their star guest.

Either way, she's decided to just leave it for tomorrow. I mean technically she could still go ahead but she says there's no point now that everyone's going to be around Jasper's tomorrow and expecting him to be there. Piper and I both can tell she's really disappointed and angry and Piper even tried to convince her to just screw them and go ahead with her own plans. Knowing the people who go to our school, they'll still party as hard whether Jasper is even present or not. But she won't, she's not one for confrontation and besides, she doesn't want to make things awkward for Jasper.

I suggested that she could just move everything to Saturday if that works but she declined, saying Jasper is a total moody git when he's got a hangover and always just wants to spend the day after a night of hard partying in bed. And apparently his grandparents are visiting on Sunday so that won't work either. Ultimately, Asha has just decided to leave his birthday surprise to next weekend so they can really make it special and spend time together without having to worry about school or anyone else ruining it for them for that matter.

'Honestly I should have known Emmanuel was going to pull something like this.' She moans over the phone, rolling her eyes at the mention of one of Jasper's best pals.

'Ash, how could you have known Jasper's parents were going to be out of town in the first place?' I try and reason, sighing at a still quite visibly vexed Asha across my phone screen. 'Besides it's not your fault Emanuel just happened to find out first about the trip because he was over there when Jasper's parents left.'

That's why Emanuel had been so quick to jump onto this party idea, he had been over at Jasper's this morning when the news broke  and so knew there was going to be an empty house just sitting there free for all their shenanigans tomorrow.

'Yeah, well, I'm just happy you guys will be there with me.' She sighs before sending the both of us a sudden, bright smile.

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