4: Breakfast with six boys

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"(Y/N) we only just got two more today, let's wait till tomorrow afternoon then take them." "So I guess we'll just have to wait for that demon butler and witch to find the ingredients and change us back," Eric said. "Something tells me we'll be here for a while, a long while," Alan said.

(Y/N)s POV:

Six little reapers in my house, I thought that was a dream till my chef said my breakfast was in the dining room. There were six high chairs with convertible tables in the dining room, the only thing that's missing is a man at the other end of the table. "Oh look here comes the breakfast trains." I made sure to put the right plates in front of them, because a certain redhead will only take red plates and cups.


Blue plate with cereal, eggs, and some milk.


Red plate with pancakes—with syrup on the side—strawberries, and a yogurt smoothie.


Green plate with waffles, eggs, and orange juice.


Purple plate with blueberry pancakes, toast with butter, and milk.


Yellow plate with scrambled eggs, a little PB&J sandwich, and apple juice.


Orange plate with oatmeal, blueberries and strawberries, and milk.

The chef came in with a bowl of mini muffins, Ronald, Grell, and Undertaker tried sticking their hands out to reach them. "A tatatatatata, no muffins until you finish your plate, and that doesn't mean stuff your face in your plate to finish it."

🍳after breakfast🍳

I hope giving them chocolate muffins is a good idea. "Oh good you finished breakfast, time to get dressed and head off to a photo shoot," (BFN) said.
"And who's gonna watch over these boys and Grell?" "That's easy, your maids."
In came my six maids:
Cleo, short pale-blond hair and the oldest—by suicide.
Amy, red hair and always with red boots.
Zoey, short blonde hair with a pink hair clip that's her initial.
Victoria, black hair in a ponytail, with bangs covering her right side.
And the brunette twins, Rose and Luna. You can only tell the difference because Rose has red strands in her hair, and Luna has blue.

Six little Reapers (black butler/child reapers x reader)Where stories live. Discover now