7: Where they like spending time with you

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(Y/N)s POV:

If there's anything more exhausting than photo shoots, it's choreography, I make sure to spend some time with them wether it's one by one or together, or there's something on my schedule or not.


we sit in the library and read books, sometimes he comes to me with a book and I read it to him. Right now we're in chapter (#) of (___).


Since the flowers in the vase died out we picked more, more red flowers that is. We picked so much that we ended up making flower crowns, "look at all these crowns your majesty, let's go hand them out."


In the entertainment room with a basket of toys, then I hurry and pick them up because if guests or people who talk business come over and see a child's toy . . . well, this'll spread faster than the plague.


This boy loves making a mess in the kitchen, he showed me a picture of what he wanted me to carve out of the dough. "Dog bones?" He shook his head and pointed at his arm. ". . . Just bones?" He smiled, "ok fine they're not dog biscuits they're bone biscuits." 

Eric and Alan:

Watching TV, sometimes I think it's rotting their brain more than there are cinematic records at the Grim Reaper library. Well at least Cleo offered to tutor them all till after snack time, and these two are doing better than Grell and Ronald.

All of them:

If we're all not watching TV, we're in my recording studio listening to music and playing with toys—except Grell is always dancing down there—or they just wanna listen to a famous singer practice her new song. Today we're in my little movie theater where normally I'd watch cinematic record movies, but todays movie is Raya and the Last Dragon.

I still haven't watched that movie, I think I can wait till June 4 when it's free for everyone. 😆😊

Six little Reapers (black butler/child reapers x reader)Where stories live. Discover now