18: They get to sleep with you

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featuring the little nickname you have for them.

(Y/N)s POV:

Thanks to Cleo and the others they're being homedaycared, and if they do good or whatever good thing they do—here or when I go out with one—they get to sleep with me. Somehow they look happy when they come in my room, like it's a hotel suit, then again it is the master bedroom.


What can I say, this boy does the best at homedaycare, when I let him sleep I mess up his hair then tuck him in. "Goodnight Willy." I love that he hates the nickname, I called him that and he turned and faced my closet. "Haha, goodnight Will."


Sometimes I have a ladies night with (BFN) and the maids, and I let Grell hang with us for a while—mostly because she throws a tantrum wanting to hang out—and if Grell is still up then I let her sleep with me. Every time she lays on that bed she acts like she's a princess. "Goodnight princess Grella."


If he's not annoying Will or Grell, playing nice, and not trying to roller skate with the toy cars again, then he can sleep with me. "Night Ronni," unlike Will he likes his nickname.


He waits outside my door when he wants to spend the night, he starts batting his eyes and making a pouty face. I just pick him up—his face went from pouty to happy—and bring him in. He snuggles up to me like when I first found him and wrapped him up in that robe that I think he still has. "Goodnight unnie."

Eric and Alan:

I think they might be related, because one won't go to bed with me when I invite him without the other. I'm there—back and forth—stroking Eric's back then Alan's, "I hope you two are enjoying yourselves." Ric and Al, two sneaky little toddlers.

Six little Reapers (black butler/child reapers x reader)Where stories live. Discover now