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As the music began to make it's way throughout the flat, mean whilst Naomi walked to her room.

A hand tapped her shoulder, it was Elliot. He seemed nice, he had spoken to her about their similar music taste earlier in the night. They both liked R&B.

"Hey are you okay?" He asked, concern evident on his face.

"Yeah, yeah don't worry I'm just going to pee" she reassured.

Elliot smiled. He was glad she was okay. He continued to follow her down the corridor.

"Umm...where are you going?" She asked.

"Going for a piss in Andrew's toilet, don't worry I'm not following you" He responded.

Naomi's mouth made an 'o' shape to inform him she understood. She went into her room and used the toilet.

After she was finished she decided to snap her friends from home to tell them how uni life was treating her. It was good despite the argument she had just had.

As she was still texting Mya and Leilani she opened the door to her room to make her way back to the kitchen. Suddenly, she bumped into something hard. She was just about to say 'ouch' when a jumble of sorries came out from a familiar voice. It was Elliot sincerely apologising. Naomi giggled and assured him she was okay.

She asked him what he was doing stood outside her room.
He nervously looked around, scratching the back of his neck. "Oh was I not supposed to wait for you?" He asked.

"Oh my gosh, you didn't have to, but thank you that was very nice of you" she began to say.

Elliot looked past her and into her new room. Naomi allowed him to come in as she did not want to face Theo in the kitchen just yet.

"Wow your room looks so good, you've already decorated" he exclaimed as he looked at the LED lights set to purple and pictures of her friends from home on display.

Naomi smiled, "Yeah Liv helped me today".

He continued to look around, Naomi sat on her bed as she didn't know when she'd be going back into the kitchen and didn't want to stand awkwardly watching the boy in her room.

Eventually, Elliot sat down next to her, getting comfortable enough to lay back on her bed - staring at the ceiling. Naomi looked back at him and giggled - the alcohol finally beginning to hit her.

Elliot looked up at the girl laughing at him and knew uni was the place to get with anyone, so he used the courage the alcohol gave him and pulled her down to him. She fell slightly on top of him, giving him the leverage to pull her in for a kiss.

It was gentle, but sloppy as they clearly had both consumed a lot of alcohol.

He wanted more.

She tasted like strawberries.

His hand slowly began to roam over her curves.

Naomi's mind was blank. She wasn't lusting over him, but she didn't hate it, he was just Elliot. She didn't know him. One common interest doesn't mean she's going to give up the goods to him. Yes, she may not believe in love nor relationships but she didn't like how he was using her. It was their first night. She was not going to sleep with him.

She gently pushed him away from her and he got the hint. Looking into his eyes she sighed "Yeah, so um...let's not do that again" Naomi suggested. Elliot nodded, understanding that she didn't want to get with him. He wasn't hurt, she was allowed to say no, and he accepted that.

They both got up from her bed and made their way back to the kitchen. The night carried on, the two flats having a small party amongst ten of them, playing old school classics and dancing in the kitchen.

Throughout the night Elliot kept hugging Naomi and talking to her as though nothing had happened. Thank god Naomi thought. She knew they would probably be good friends despite the little situation. Theo was the only one who didn't speak to her for the rest of the night. It was going to be an odd year Naomi thought.

Clouding My JudgementOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora