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Naomi made her way to the kitchen and found all the boys. "Where are the girls?" She asked.

"Oh they're taking the stools back into 157" Elliot answered.

Naomi nodded, hoping they'd hurry up so they could leave. Elliot began to pour out shots. Theo tried to grab one when Charlie smacked his hand away. "What the fuck" he snapped.

"They're for Naomi, you've got your corona there" Charlie replied.

Naomi smiled, she saw Charlie and Drew, as big brothers sometimes. Elliot was like her boy bestfriend at uni.

Elliot slid the ten shots towards Naomi and she began to take them with no hesitation. The boys looked at her proudly, knowing she'd complete any challenge they set her.

The boys began chatting amongst themselves as Naomi searched for a can of pre mixed pornstar martini in the fridge. She heard the girls finally walk back into the flat as the closed the fridge, finding the last can of pornstar martini - mentally noting down she needed to buy more.

"Okayyy let's gooooo" Drew exaggerated.

The group laughed, making their way to the flat Harriet had texted them the details to.

Making their way to the different block, the boys began to ask each other what their 'bodycounts' were. Naomi did not want to hear.

She did not care for Theo's number nor did she want to hear the other boys. Charlie and Drew were like older brothers to her and Elliot was her guy best friend at uni. Yes her and Charlie has spoken about girls before, for advice but she did not need to hear about his sex history.

The girls instead walked ahead and continued their conversation of investigating who this 'Seb' was and what he looked like. The girls looked to Naomi to search for him as she had the best investigation skills and could find anyone on Instagram, Tiktok or Facebook.

As she began her search, her name was called. She looked up from her phone and saw it was one of the boys.

"So Naomi what's your body count" Theo asked.

Naomi blinked at him several times, he had not said a word to her in about a week and a bit, due to her avoiding him but he had the nerve to ask her.

She wouldn't of cared if he had asked her after he had asked the other girls but he had put her on the spot, an attempt to humiliate her.

"None...of...your...fucking...business" she dragged out.

The girls began to clap for her. "Yes" "Right fucking answer Naomi" they began to say.

"Why does he need to know how many people I have or haven't slept with before" she stated as she turned away from the boy who towered over her and made her way back over to her friends with a smile. She continued her search for the mysterious 'Seb'.

It didn't matter in the end, as they had already reached his flat. Flat 116. They knocked the door and Harriet answered. She welcomed the group inside. A cloud of weed and the stench of alcohol engulfed the flat. It was the same layout as 156's. Music pumped throughout the flat with 'Crew' by GoldLink playing. Rows of LED lights surrounded the skirting boards and under the countertops, changing colours in sync with the music.

Bodies grinded on eachother, couples kissing in the corner, giggles from bedrooms, drug deals all happening before the group's eyes. This was no shock to them, an average uni party.

Naomi just needed to get drunk enough to be able to deal with being in the same room as Theo for a few hours. The girls and boys broke off from each other.

Naomi began to pour herself and the girls several more shots to get them in the mood to dance. They backed the shots of E&J, the alcohol burning their throats, finally taking effect.

'So Good' by Big Sean began to play, getting the girls to scream. They ran to the middle of the 'dance floor', well the middle of Seb's kitchen and began to dance and shout the lyrics along with the other's around them. They were vibing with everyone.

Naomi was turned around by Tiana, to dance on her in a line of the rest of the girls. As she was dancing, she looked around the room and saw the boys.

She was happy, Elliot was talking to some girl, who looked into him. Charlie was stood with the 'DJ', well uni student with a MacBook and decks, helping him out. Drew was dancing with some girl.

Then she saw him.


He was sat down on a chair, with some girl. They were talking whilst she sat on his lap. Well, they were 'talking' up until the very next second they were engulfing each others mouths.

He grabbed her chin and kissed her. Not just a peck a full on make out session, as the girl began to straddle his lap.

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